
Also why can't I change resolution through options and have to use the launcher?

I used to ALT-TAB easily without any problem but i cant do that now, when i do it i cant go back to cs2d and have to shut down the process with task manager.This is important
It's known issue, use OpenGL if you don't want to encounter that bug.

Don't work at Macos El Capitan.
1001 work fine.
Always crashing when join server.
please fix!
1001 work fine.
Always crashing when join server.
please fix!
Change the "map shadows" setting to "none" or "simple" until the bug has been fixed, this worked at least for me.

this crash bug when the cs2d minimalizes, will get solved soon or what? because my pc doesnt support opengl, with opengl my cs2d goes with 15 fps and with diretx 50 ;o, and now i have to play windowed and sucks lol
Install graphics card drivers...

it seems that this is caused by the map shadows "advanced" setting, which is set by default.
with advanced high + medium it'll crash directly without error message, with advanced low it'll crash and you receive the null image error.
but when you set it to "simple" or "none", everything is ok and cs2d is not crashing
PS: if you need someone for testing future releases, just let me know

GSG9: I now updated the Linux and Mac clients as well. Please let me know if you still have the problems.
CS2D MacOS Client (updated)

Work now!
Thank you!
(tested on Macbook El capitan)
(tested on imac osx 10.11.4)

GSG9: I now updated the Linux and Mac clients as well. Please let me know if you still have the problems.
CS2D MacOS Client (updated)

Thanks. I downloaded the new Linux client. When I start it, it claims that it is and that I should upgrade. Some mistake?
It looks like I indeed packed a bad version! Sorry. It should be fine now. Please let me know if there are still problems! (damn, I really should set up a build server)
edited 1×, last 06.05.16 09:17:20 am