+ i cant take photos
CS2D Scripts Uploading the Iran Town scriptUploading the Iran Town script
31 replies+ i cant take photos
Use an online repo if it gets declined, Github.com.
Admin/mod comment
§3.1 - No posts which offend/provoke/insult (flame) Nekomata has written
I'm sure everyone loves iran town.
Sure..12 year old kids playing roleplay like its foreplay not bad..
@ Blockertk: We have to see if its really similar to the other ones..
so nobody will get mad.
G3tWr3ck3d has written
@ Blockertk: I also created one iran town by myself and all police boss / police kids from iran town started to rage like this guy > @ francis007: and in the end the script got deleted because incompetent moderators thought that I stole it from iran town owners
Your crappy script got removed because you dont ask for create/share a fake script and use/edit the orginal map.
G3tWr3ck3d has written
Yates is pretty right, the script isn't even worth of uploading here cuz iran town is a bullshit server anyway and we all know that you, @ Yunu: are a fucking ddoser kid who ddosed my servers like 20 times per day + you are dumb enough to talk about what will you do to my servers in iran town server chat you and all iran town admins are a bunch of idiot hackers with no life
If the script is bullshit why you want to create your own iran script ? and we were talking about how you'r crashing the iran town not about your servers and If you remember you wanted the script before and if we dont give it to you you said that your gonna crash iran town against that
continue ask from your shitty skype group for agree for your posts
Chingy has written
Go to bed kids. Leave this argument in your Skype conversations or in cs2d please. We don't care.
Admin/mod comment
§2.2 - Only meaningful contributions with added value G3tWr3ck3d has written
A fake script? Sorry buddy but this "fake script" is my work and not yours, you don't even know how to open the notepad and start writing a hello world script and you talk about "fake script". Also about the map it has never been uploaded on us.de same as the script, well the script I uploaded it first but got removed. I don't care about your iran town server, but seeing how you "brag" on how "original" is the "iran town" server script that just has player related menus that gives stuff on buttons (lol) wich is like just 30 mins of work to add all those shitty menus you have there. If my script is crappy then why do you even care if its uploaded? Now shut up, adults are talking
1st of all this is my script i just took ideas from iran i also added more cool stuff which it drags players to enjoy it and shut up adults are talking? how old r u kiddo?
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