And i also thank you DC for your commitment after so many years and for accepting collaborators.

And i also thank you DC for your commitment after so many years and for accepting collaborators.

Looks good but with some bugs that need to be fixed before releasing the official version.

Read it at your peril has written
But wait, where is the classic cs2d "you click the counter terrorist's eyes and he do something funny" part? You can't remove that.
edited 1×, last 14.03.17 05:04:46 pm
pd:bad inglesh and more more bugs

edited 2×, last 15.03.17 03:20:35 am

/debug 0in chat or
debug 0in the console.

Ok, now i can't understand why there's a usp or m4a1 with a recoil kinda hard to controle, i mean if you saw the recoil of the weapons in cs:s and cs:go, the usp have a perfect aim if you arent moving. also the m4a1, if you shoot when move, then, the recoil lost the perfect aim. But its a nice pre-release, anyways, there's no reason to make cs2d too exactly to others game. that's my opinion

There's a bug with the editor with the ingame scale. The pointer doesnt reflect where "its pointing" meh to explain but easy to see.
So its super hard to edit because you have the pointer on the right and its like 6 tiles on the left.
Also is it possible to edit in 3D?
And what about replacing the borders of atile, for example in one tile i have a laptop on a desk but with 3D the there are 4 laptops ahha

height of terrain in general.
Terrain? i can't get it.
/not that word, but whole idea.

P:S:I like the 3d effect,but there still bugs on this pre-release.I hope they're fixed soon.