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English Did you forget competitive mode?

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old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

Admin Off Offline

No, I did not forget about that. I never worked on that feature and I only put that "coming soon" there because user SQ asked me to do so. I regret doing that. Sorry.

I will never again announce features that I did not work on myself and which aren't finished yet.

As far as I know though user SQ stopped working on it because people from the community promised to support him but they didn't do so so he was highly demotivated and couldn't finish it.

My personal opinion is still that competitive doesn't work because a highly controlled infrastructure is required in order to keep it cheat free (or at least to keep cheat usage low). In my opinion it's not realistic to achieve that in long term. CS2D is free and nobody is willing to spend so much time and money to support a working competitive infrastructure with controlled servers.

For these reasons I think it's extremely unlikely that there will ever be a "competitive mode". Therefore I removed the menu entry.

old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

User Off Offline

DC few members didn't even play CS2D and they say that.
It will be fun 5 vs 5.
There are some servers like gamers central in which are many players but there is chaos.
5 vs 5 will be more silent.
Contact your staff team and tell them to work.
Everyone wants that and you can get many players with that competitive mod.
Imagine CS2D with competitive mod. It will attract new players in CS2D.
They will say: "There is a competitive mod in cs2d, wow interesting, lets try it".
So, please make it for us.

old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

Admin Off Offline

@user NoTy: Staff? Work? There is no staff. Unreal Software has basically no income and there are no paid people. Only a few people who voluntarily support Unreal Software (thanks for that).

My hobby is developing games, not running ranked match servers. Therefore I can't and don't want to offer that service. If I would try to do it anyway it would be bad because I have no experience with that and I'm not really interested in improving my experience in that field either (because I already don't have enough time for development itself).

If the community wants competitive stuff then the community has to organize it. It's not necessarily required to adjust CS2D to make that work. CS2D already allows you to play in a competitive way. It's a competitive game like most multiplayer games. All what is required is basically some good servers and some organization. Maybe some Lua scripts to control a few things but that's it.

If the community doesn't manage to organize it than this probably means that there is actually not enough interest in it. And that would also mean that my attempts to run something like that would most likely fail as well.

old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

User On Online

We're here to help you @user DC: and also I wanted to much to play matchmaking in cs2d, I think you don't see the potencial of this feature.
Many people (also the new ones) want this too.

old e.e

User Off Offline

you can still play csgo

old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

Seriously, there is no point making this happen anyways. Chance to fully use this feature was lost when it was not ready for steam release. Now this game is at same state as before steam. Every game loses its players at some point, just accept it and move on.

old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

Reviewer Off Offline

user DC has written
If the community wants competitive stuff then the community has to organize it. It's not necessarily required to adjust CS2D to make that work. CS2D already allows you to play in a competitive way.

Not really.. people like automatic stuff, like clicking Play button and and then the server automaticaly searchs for teammates and enemies with similar MMR.

old Re: Did you forget competitive mode?

User On Online

user SQ has written
@user Uninspired:LOL, same? Just look at how the game looked year before... It was refined from scratch in last year of the development.

He's talking about activity not the game, after the hype most of the players quit the game.
With matchmaking people will come every day to play the game.

user Gaios has written
user DC has written
If the community wants competitive stuff then the community has to organize it. It's not necessarily required to adjust CS2D to make that work. CS2D already allows you to play in a competitive way.

Not really.. people like automatic stuff, like clicking Play button and and then the server automaticaly searchs for teammates and enemies with similar MMR.

Listen this @user DC: , people prefer something like this instead of a mix server.
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