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English [Q] [CS2D] Public

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old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

User On Online

What a shitstorm...

Regardless of who is right and who is wrong; user Quattro, please consider not closing the server if this thread gets closed. CS2D is at that near-dead point where every server counts, specially good Standard ones.

Actually, I think the mods should just leave this thread and simply delete the needless arguing. Just my 2 cents.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

Super User Off Offline

@user Hajt: When was the last time copying actually an illegal thing to do?

Gosh, people, this is the real world we're living. Mankind gets inspired by each other and sometimes an angel sits on their mind and they suddenly are the one that comes up with a unique idea nobody has ever found to date. But this is rare and only happens to certain people. So we might need to get used to the fact that copying is best that you can do sometimes.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public


There is nothing wrong with copying, you can end up making something even better. But some people have so little talent that they get jealous and instead of copying they steal and attack others to feel better about themselves. But that is wrong approach, he may have stopped me from hosting with his server crasher but his servers will remain half empty because there is no soul in them. Also, as a result of his childish behavior 2D will become even emptier than before. In the end, he hurt himself.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

User Off Offline

@user Masea: I get banned because this guy who lives in basement thinks that I copyied his script, now even saying that I steal.

@user Quattro: I didn't steal anything. I'm doing lua script what people ask me to but you are too blind to notice this. I should be jealous about number of players? I don't give a fuck who plays on what server. I'm satisfactioned that people actually playing CS2D not matter where.

CS2D will have 1 less server to play and become even emptier than before. Hahhaha. There is arround 100 servers so players can choose whatever they want, you still acting like you are salvation for this game. You thinks that your server got soul and is unique, dude look there are much more better servers CS2D GLOBAL good example, they are doing pretty well.

EDIT: look at this what I found. His favourite word seems to be "copied" buahha
edited 1×, last 04.01.20 11:15:34 am

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

Admin Off Offline

First of all: Stop violating the rules. I know that you know them but in case you forgot:
Rules §3.1 - No posts which offend/provoke/insult (flame)
Rules §5.1 - Show good behavior and simply don't be a stupid asshole
Discussion are welcome here but please make use of arguments instead of insults. Like a sane and polite human being. Just try it. If you keep fighting like this I will just delete all of your posts and temp ban you.

Second: @user Hajt: You have been accused of crashing servers. You did not deny this yet. Did you intentionally crash CS2D servers? If yes you are systematically destroying CS2D and you are also violating law. We have ZERO tolerance for this. Crashing servers is even worse than cheating. It's the most pathetic and stupid action that can be done in the world of CS2D.

Third: Copying stuff is legit if there is demand for a copy or if the copy comes with improvements. Nothing bad about it. CS2D itself is a copy.
edited 1×, last 04.01.20 12:02:00 pm

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

User Off Offline

@user DC: Do you believe it that? I can say the same that Quattro crashed my servers but in reality close my own servers and keep saying how bad he is.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

Admin Off Offline

@user Hajt: No, I don't believe anything without evidence sir. I'm very well aware that everyone can just claim everything. That's why I asked you and you still did not answer.

So if any of you is crashing servers just PLEASE STOP IT! Don't be a stupid asshole.
Crashing servers is not an act of revenge. It's crime. It's pure destruction. It destroys CS2D. It destroys the community. It destroys free content on the internet.

So when you're crashing CS2D servers you are sending these signals
• I HATE free games
• I HATE being able to host my owns servers
• I HATE that others are able to host servers

Any of these isn't what you want to say? Then please stop. Thanks.
edited 1×, last 04.01.20 12:07:33 pm

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

Admin Off Offline

Who is that KNK person? Apparently he is the one being autistic when he crashes servers. Not liking someone is not a reason to commit crime and to destroy entire games.

If you have any contact to him please share what I wrote above regarding server crashing. We have to work together to reduce these coward attacks.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

User Off Offline

Yeah I'm agree in 100%. I already answered him yesterday to stop doing it.

EDIT: Quattro when you realize that I didn't steal your script you can unban me, always +1 player on your servers, right? I'm trying to reach an agreement but let's see his reaction.

EDIT2: I even posted you solution once how to deal with some kind of ddos services did you use these rules?
edited 1×, last 04.01.20 12:34:16 pm

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

Admin Off Offline

@user Hajt: Thanks sir. Glad to hear that you agree.

I hope you and user Quattro find a way to get along. I don't think that there is any real reason to be mad. Also there is no reason why the named servers shouldn't be able to coexist in peace and harmony

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

User Off Offline

user DC has written
Also there is no reason why the named servers shouldn't be able to coexist in peace and harmony

It's probably because the guy that owns the server doesn't want to have "competition" in the presence of a server that is as good as his or maybe even better so the tiny amount of players that join on his will maybe go to the other one. I guess he may have problems with his ego.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public


I already found my own solution @hajt, thank you. Also I dont believe your bs story but this is a nice chance to learn some linux, your actions will help me get better at that so thank you very much for existing


Spoiler >
edited 3×, last 06.01.20 11:34:50 pm

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

The Dark Shadow
User Off Offline

Nice @user Quattro: with publishing cs2d cheats on YouTube, I am really glad.

I have got 8 proofs you did

(1) Posted the video on UNREALSOFTWARE discord (you did)
(2) Same mini-map size as "quattro"
(3) Same resolution as quattro
(4) Same mouse sensitivity as quattro
(5) Same text size as quattro
(6) Same IP as quattro
(7) Same fonts as quattro
(8) Same huds color as quattro

-- Posting the cheat link on unreal software discord --

++ Compared with his real youtube channel. ++.

[19:12:49] Player 3 is using IP, no U.S.G.N. ID and no Steam

[20:49:44] U.S.G.N.: :[ Wings ]: Quattro ( joining with U.S.G.N. ID #16283 - verifying...
edited 15×, last 07.01.20 12:41:00 am

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

User Off Offline

Expected from quattroll, he can't even use another cs2d settings xD. The settings you see in the cheat video are equal to quattro cs2d videos lmao.

EDIT: ggwp topkek
edited 1×, last 07.01.20 01:29:51 am

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

The Dark Shadow
User Off Offline

user Quattro has written
I sometimes think how sad and retarded one must be to actually learn how to attack servers to crash a game. Do normal people even care about that stuff?

Crashing a server... Like who the fuck cares? It's just a toy, 20-30 eur per month lol. It's nothing. I'm not even sure who is stupider, the guy who thinks he is hackerman or the guy who gets annoyed about meaningless stuff

Spoiler >
edited 1×, last 07.01.20 06:47:14 am

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

Reviewer Off Offline

I don't really see @user Quattro has published CS2D's Aimbot, it looks like troll video about pro players in CS2D. I didn't download the Hack but I bet it's dummy/fake which nothing does and doesn't work. I think that ban by user SQ is unfounded.

old Re: [Q] [CS2D] Public

The Dark Shadow
User Off Offline

@user Gaios: He was cheating for many years, but since we didn't have proofs, we couldn't report him. At the same time he was a professional player and scripter. so yeah, It looks like a troll, but I see it's a virus file. Checked it, It works but it communicates with the network. It probably steals your usgn account password.

Also, he started now ddosing/hacking in different ways. He tried to hack the RCon of servers, but he failed. He wrote some kind of bot who was using dictionary.
WARNING: 10000 failed RCon attempts from (maybe a brutefore attack tefore attack)
./_mixmatch/logs/02-Jan-2020_03-02-07.txt:[23:28:02] SECURITY WARNING: seems to be a hacker (flooding). Ignoring all future packets (600 sec).

He deserved a ban.

I'm really sad about him, I hope he will comeback with a better personality.

@user Quattro: I hope to see you with it, no cheats, be a good man, then we all will show you respect. I don't want to lose you, and I didn't expect that.

Also, an advice to the admins, why did you perma banned him, In my opinion, just a temporary ban for a year is enough.
edited 5×, last 07.01.20 04:37:56 pm
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