I've reinstalled the game, and uninstalled the antivirus.

serverlist does not appear
8 replies

I've reinstalled the game, and uninstalled the antivirus.
Antivirus shouldn't block but maybe your firewall (or Windows firewall) does? Make sure it does not block the game.
Please also check and do these things:

Also see https://www.cs2d.com/faq.php?show=net_noservers#net_noservers

I ordered this new internet today! 400MB Down / 250Up.
The internet is great the only problem is in relation to cs2d.
After discovering the problem I did a clean reinstallation of cs2d, (I deleted all the files in the folder and reinstalled it.)
I uninstalled the antivirus and added cs2d to the firewall allowed list.
Below I will put all the prints for you!
I called my provider but they couldn't resolve it.
They opened port 36963 but it didn't work.
Help me please, i've been playing your game since 2009 i still log into it daily for some fun

detail, if I use the cell phone router and check the list of servers it appears normally.

Okay that's extremely weird because you're getting one green U.S.G.N. response ("U.S.G.N.: Your game version is up to date!"). This means that your client was able to connect to the U.S.G.N. and to retrieve the version information. So the connection is working.
Therefore it's very weird that it is unable to load the server list. Maybe your ISP, hardware, firewall or antivirus blocks big UDP packages for some reason?!
Unfortunately I have no good idea how to easily resolve this issue. Sorry

Maybe you can still play CS2D without serverlist though. It's just a bit annoying... I recommend to manually add servers to your favorites list. This works by clicking "Connect to IP" and checking "Add to Favorites". You can retrieve all IPs manually here https://www.unrealsoftware.de/usgn.php?s=cs2d
copy & paste the IP:Port of the server you want to join to the "Connect to IP" dialog.

Send me a message, I will do my best to help you.