You can change the time it takes for the bomb to go off.
Game engine? lol... The players make their own maps and tilesets! Players and weapons can be customized, too. The only generated graphics are [I think... I'm not sure, though] the particles. The rest are sprites that can be edited!
Physics? Who needs that? 'tis a top-down version! Buildings [built with wrench] can be destroyed, and you can make rain and explosions in the editor.
I think there is a donation link on the page somewhere. I'd donate, but I haven't any of my own money. xP
While I'm still here... how about the weighted companion cube? I don't know how it would work... but maybe just shove it in there somewhere as a functional thing...
I bet that 80% of all players who play cs2d will say no words agains if the size of the game is like 20 or 50 MB. Also this is 2D game So every PC can run it.
Ok, i know with the editor u can do a lot things.
But in my server list all (almost all) servers use standart sprites and maps and standart everything. Maybe becouse i prefer standart option (not deatmach or zombie or etc.)
Only 2 or 3 times i saw map cs_office with new better look, sprites ... So i mean improve graphics in general not only available option and used only by few people with their maps.
DC also can contact small companies and pay them to create 2d engine.
KimKat has written
@Modesty00: You cannot play CS2D without a graphics card, that's for shure.
I got a PC that cannot run CS2D, so not
every PC can run it.
Dude, No. I mean every Pc can run it. No human play cs2d barely. All people have good pc. Unles your pc hardware is from 1998 then u could have troube. edited 2×, last 24.06.09 11:09:07 pm
Modesty, he could hire a company, but you are able to do it aswell. The problem is just, that
1. Why should he do it? Just because you could have a few better sprites? Why aren't you doing them on your own?
2. It does not make sense. Sorry, but DC wants to make free games on his own, so it would not make sense paying a lot of money for people, who wouldn't actually make it the way DC had done it.
3. It is expensive. It's not about a few euros o dollars, wherever you come from, but if you think abou the time, DC needed to make this game, you can't imagine how much money it would need to make it.
So sorry, but no way it is going to happen Modesty00 has written
I bet that 80% of all players who play cs2d will say no words agains if the size of the game is like 20 or 50 MB. Also this is 2D game So every PC can run it.
Ok, i know with the editor u can do a lot things.
But in my server list all (almost all) servers use standart sprites and maps and standart everything. Maybe becouse i prefer standart option (not deatmach or zombie or etc.)
Only 2 or 3 times i saw map cs_office with new better look, sprites ... So i mean improve graphics in general not only available option and used only by few people with their maps.
DC also can contact small companies and pay them to create 2d engine.
Your ignorance amuses me. Thanks for making my day. ^-^
Please don't take me seriously, but I think I read somewhere that this is done in Blitz3D. But I'm sure just about any PC can run it anyway. xP
There are loads of custom maps. Some are standard, so you might want to check those out. Graphics in general are mostly editable... so edit them if you're not satisfied... srsly. I'm not sure if you can edit tilesets without having problems, though. If you can't, then just grab a better tileset! There's bound to be one on the internets somewhere...
@KimKat: We have trig_move and Lua for a reason.
DC Admin
the old cs2d was made with blitz3d. the new (cs2d max) has not been made with blitz3d.
Modesty00: please simply forget the new engine idea. it is never ever gonna happen and it is pure nonsense. I also doubt that you exactly know what the engine actually does (moreover I totally doubt that you know what you are talking about here. sounds like a bad joke to me).
Better graphics: possible without new engine
Physics: possible without new engine
New engine: total nonsense.
hint for noobs: I've already programmed CS2D from scratch at least 3 times. Last time (max) took more than 18 months. A new engine would basically mean that I would have to rewrite it again. It's not even worth discussing that. especially because the current engine is actually FUCKING AWESOME! DC has written
the old cs2d was made with blitz3d. the new (cs2d max) has not been made with blitz3d.
Modesty00: please simply forget the new engine idea. it is never ever gonna happen and it is pure nonsense. I also doubt that you exactly know what the engine actually does (moreover I totally doubt that you know what you are talking about here. sounds like a bad joke to me).
Better graphics: possible without new engine
Physics: possible without new engine
New engine: total nonsense.
hint for noobs: I've already programmed CS2D from scratch at least 3 times. Last time (max) took more than 18 months. A new engine would basically mean that I would have to rewrite it again. It's not even worth discussing that. especially because the current engine is actually FUCKING AWESOME!
Lol sheesh Admin/mod comment
please don't quote long texts just to add a pointless sentence... thanks /DC DC, will you ever increase the damage of the MAC again? In the old cs2d versions it was a great weapon and the players had still the chance to win a round even with less money. DC Admin
no, it was extremely overpowered.
mp_wpndmg if you want to change the damage. I'm not going to do it. Zune5 COMMUNITY BANNED
DC has written
no, it was extremely overpowered.
mp_wpndmg if you want to change the damage. I'm not going to do it.
Are you really saying that the TMP is better?
Strangely, not only is the TMP cheaper, MORE ammo, BETTER reload, SAME damage, and...yeah. Zune5 has written
DC has written
no, it was extremely overpowered.
mp_wpndmg if you want to change the damage. I'm not going to do it.
Are you really saying that the TMP is better?
Strangely, not only is the TMP cheaper, MORE ammo, BETTER reload, SAME damage, and...yeah.
Well, I think that the AK-47 has a bit more power and ranking than the CT counterpart, so in the end it evens out. One suggestion about sound in glock. In real cs if u have semi-auto, u will hear single shots. And in burst mode u hear more than 1 shot. But in cs2d for now you have same sound for burst and semi-auto. Sound from real cs for burst. Dont know how about rest, but for me its terrible and i cant play with that lol. It have been in all cs2d version that i have played.
But i don't care about it. Can DC make alt+f4 to quit the game? Or i can? edited 1×, last 26.06.09 02:36:26 am
Bloodshot has written
Zune5 has written
DC has written
no, it was extremely overpowered.
mp_wpndmg if you want to change the damage. I'm not going to do it.
Are you really saying that the TMP is better?
Strangely, not only is the TMP cheaper, MORE ammo, BETTER reload, SAME damage, and...yeah.
Well, I think that the AK-47 has a bit more power and ranking than the CT counterpart, so in the end it evens out.
Acctually... DC made the M4A1 stronger because it is more expensive than the AK-47. sorry to bust your very small bubble... When can the sound trigger be fixed?
It has never worked for me. I am not an expert on Cs2d but I was just saying if you took all weapons pros, cons and costs of each team they would be pretty much equal you mean to take them in pairs?
ak47 - m4a1
mac10 - TMP
or all weapons with or weapons something like usp vs mac10? I don't want to drag this conversation on too long, but no. I'm saying that the team's weapon selections are balanced with eachother, meaning it would not matter which team you choose for their weapons. Zune5 COMMUNITY BANNED
Modesty00 has written
Can DC make alt+f4 to quit the game? Or i can?
Why can't you just experiment yourself?
It doesn't "work" it brings up the menu if you hit esc in game. It brings up the "Quit menu" in the Game menu.