It isn't a really big list but thats because its members are/were in another bands (Almafuerte for example) but i won't explain you the history xD. Also i love Antonio Romano's (guitar) solos. I think their best songs are:
Sepulcro Civil
Para que no caigas
Vida impersonal
Tu eres su seguridad
No lo haré
Masa anestesiada
Desterrando a los oscurantistas
Víctimas del vaciamiento
Cráneo candente
Vencedores vencidos
They are better if you understand what they are saying of course xD.
Post your owns. Try to post only one, the best i mean, and try to listen those songs that i listed too if you want :P, if you like trash metal you'll enjoy them
Thanks for moving
edited 8×, last 09.11.10 05:51:11 pm