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English Nazi Zombie Power-ups?

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old Nazi Zombie Power-ups?

User Off Offline

So I'm making a re-make of Nacht Der Untoten from World at War, and I was just wondering if it is possible to make the power-ups that the Zombies dropped, like the Max Ammo, Insta Kill, Carpenter, Double Points, and the Nuke with Lua. I have no experience with Lua and what it can do, so that is why I'm asking.

Level is here >
NOTE: The level isn't up to date yet.

old Re: Nazi Zombie Power-ups?

Admin On Online

yes, you can use Lua to spawn items on the maps or to make instant kills or to simulate a nuke or whatever.

old Re: Nazi Zombie Power-ups?

User Off Offline

GeNeSiS_MaSoN has written
Wait. What Carpenter? Do You Mean Kill All Zombies With A Bomb?

Well, there are 5 power ups.
1)Double Points
2)Max Ammo
3)Insta Kill
4)Nuke --- KABOOM! And the nuke doesn't kill every zombie on the map! It did in the first level, only because it was a small map, but it actually has a radius damage. Ex. It will only kill zombies in a 200 foot radius.
5)Carpenter - Repairs ALL windows and blockades. This is a new power up in the series. I think this came into play when the new zombie levels in the Map packs were added on World At War, but I don't know.

DC has written
yes, you can use Lua to spawn items on the maps or to make instant kills or to simulate a nuke or whatever.

Cool! Now if only I could figure out how to do this, I'll be in buisness! Help would be nice! PM if you can help.

old Zombie equip

User Off Offline

hi pllizz how i can give zombie and humain equip "wrench"
in mod zombie
plizz i need to my server

old Re: Nazi Zombie Power-ups?

User Off Offline

@user thesk5tera: Just use cs2d cmd equip command and use cs2d lua hook spawn hook. Like this:
function _spawn(id)
	parse("equip "" 74")

@user Aythadis: Use cs2d cmd explosion command to simulate the Nuke and cs2d cmd killplayer command for Insta-Kill. Like this:
parse("explosion "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y").." 400 125 "
parse("killplayer "..math.random(1, 32))

And for the Double Points, just double enemy points. Like this:
points[k] = points[k] + (points[v] * 2)
edited 1×, last 04.03.13 08:43:35 am
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