This is CS2D version Apparently, some people had found a way to increase the amount of slots to 32 in that version. Undoubtedly, that has been removed in later versions.
there are custom servers out there (at least for other versions, not sure if there are custom servers for which can send these values to clients.
another explanation would be that this image is simply faked or that the value has been manipulated with memory tools like DannyDeth said.
That's a really old version, not the least that's it's a old screenshot. If no one noticed, hence the We're now on I also noticed |jUSTiN|'s server which clearly made me realise it's a old pic. It feels like I've discussed this twice, I feel very dejá vù towards this topic.
Anyways, that was probably a hex edit nothing much to it. I hope those game hackers die out someday. They ruin gameplay, yesterday I saw a speedhacker... argh makes me go insane.
I've already read the entire topic and if you want CS2D to become something like CS:S go ahead because CS:S has player slots to like 64 maybe more. Simple math: Increased player slots = Increased latency (if those players actually were playing and not if they were empty player slots).
Ok, so basicly... 255 player slots... your point is? you want it implemented into CS2D? then ask DC not me, lol. It probably won't get implemented because it would cause huge amount of latency to the servers if 255 players were to play on same server, so... yeah. Any questions?
P.S. I know what version and time it is. You're discussing old cheese but anyways it's nice for once.
I've never said I want more than 32 slots. 32 is in most cases already too much, considering both traffic and overcrowded maps.
I already said that 255 slots will never work. "will never work" ~= "i want it to be implemented". So where did you get the impression that I want 255 slots? It's awesome just because of the idea, not to play in it. Furthermore, it would never reach those 255 players unless a huge action were to be set up, in which that many people would arrange to join the server at a certain time.