So i'm making a modern warfare 2 mod for cs2d, i finished making sprites . now i want to:
1. Add more weapons
2. Change the team name ( Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist) to new names ( TF141, Shadow Company)
3.Show kill mark (killstreak)
4. Change the main menu ( ex Primary > Rifles, Sub Machine Guns,.... > Guns > Attachments)
Can i do these things ? And how can i do it ?? Admin/mod comment
changed title, moved to mods section You can't do all that.
Making new weapons - impossible
Change team names - you have to have computer knowledge to do that.
Show kill mark - dunno about this one
Change main menu - impossible
To do all that, just start learning programming and make your own game. well i mean buy menu not main menu. but if i can't do it, i can make a new one, right ? i saw the call of duty mod, i just want to do the same, but my style. about the killmark, i think i can do it, i'm exploring. and the team name, well, i played team fotress 2d and it's possible, but i don't know how >.<
I think there is some kind of file, that keep weapons information, like damage, recoil, spr and sound. Lua should help you.... But as long as ppl with the mod play on a specific server. Making modifications such as killimark (redscreen) would be unfaire for ppl who do't have the mod.
Unoriginal idea no offence. And why not Call Of Duty Black Ops ;P?
Good luck man
well, i'm from Vietnam, and Black Ops talks about Vietnam War
That's why i don't make Black Ops Mod. btw: i like Modern warfare 2.
And i'm learning how to make lua
by exploring the call of duty mod lua. i'll release the mod as soon as i possible
anybody know how to change teams, characters and weapons names ? xxgatungxx has written
and the team name, well, i played team fotress 2d and it's possible, but i don't know how >.<
Read my post. "You need computer knowledge to do that".
Anyways, it is called hex-editing, if that tells you something.
xxgatungxx has written
I think there is some kind of file, that keep weapons information, like damage, recoil, spr and sound.
No. You need to hex-edit the game to change all that. You don't need to hex edit the game, lol. It can be done without it, plus hacking the memory of CS2D is against the Terms of Use, therefore making it illegal. Exactly. But, as far as I know, it can only be done with hexing. Well, yeah. I saw somewhere ( in one of the mod pages ) how someone editted the name using Lua, however I can't remember who or how they did it
Thanks guys ! i changed the team and chars name successfully. Here's some pics 

Good for you
Say, how did you change the names? DC Admin
the only way to do this is manipulating the exe which is a bad idea (and actually not allowed) Well, i edited the exe file ( yeah i know it's not allowed) but i can't find another way >.< Would be nice if someone show me the legal way to do it ( using lua, as Danny said) Awesome!
I had no idea that its work with lua.
Lua can edit the main menu to? MAX-russia has written
I had no idea that its work with lua.
Lua can edit the main menu to?
It's not LUA, he just cracked up the .exe, man. xxgatungxx When i make my own mod for cs2d (ver 1.1.5) i got one problem: I can`t write more letters in modificated word then got original one. Example: AK-47 (5) can be changed to AK-74 or F2000 but not to AK-2012 (7) or WtfCoolShitGun (14), how do you solve this problem? Or you got that shit too?
DC please put all texts in next version to .txt files! It`s very usable and allow translate cs2d to many languages. He didn't use an hex editor. I used HEX EDITOR to change names >.< ( got damn i need someone help me writing lua )
To Fapicon: I got that too, that's why my team name SD-Company not Shadow Company
CS 1.6 has a .txt file with all texts. That's how I modified weapon names.