Thx for help
But I'm noob idk how to add me in ct
so this is my edit
//Add groups like this: (no //)
//a - Arrest players
//b - Ban
//c - Allow to join CT
//d - Spawn on the place you died
//f - Use of buildings(color, level)
//g - Use the CT menu
//h - Set health
//i - Slay
//k - Kick
//l - Give Licenses
//m - Mute
//o - Speed, item, bring and goto commands
//p - Give speed
//s - Restart round/map, reload cfg and edit the map_name_auto.txt
//t - Use F4 for Wallhack(only as CT)
//v - Add vips
//w - Use of "Admin" Weapons
//x - Be unkillable
//y - Use the !givemoney command
//z - Root(all)
//Add Players to groups like this: (no //)
add:group_name:23450 (myusgn)
How to set it TT TT