Stranded II
Question about adding in shadows
Question about adding in shadows
2 replies I was wondering that if I wanted to add in stuff like objects being able to cast shadows, how exactly would I even go about doing it? Is it even possible? I'm willing to do a lot of studying up on tutorials for different programs to use, I just have no idea exactly where to begin. Total n00bishness, I know
I think this is not possible because of the game engine. you can add shadows manually, by setting the colormap in editor to a value of 1024 or 2048 or higher and paint it with brushtool,
But if you make shadows for Objects or items who can be destroyed,, the shadow will stay after the destruction of that particular object.
With existing opportunities it is very pointless to have a shadow with no object.
+1 for Hurri04
P.S.: You can only try to paint shadows for the mountains, resulting of the heightmap
, But your 'question-level' does not suggest, that you master it.