BECAUSE me and my bro are making halo reach mod!
its going to have all weapons form halo reach amd map
whattosave = {} addhook("ms100","save_whattosave") function save_whattosave() 	for id = 1,32 do 		if (player(id,"exists")) then 			whattosave = player(id,"score") -- change it to what u want to save 		end 	end end addhook("say","save_savegame") function save_savegame(id,t) 	if t=="!save" then -- Type !save to save 		if (player(id,"usgn")>0) then 			msg2(id,"©255255255SuccesFully Saved!") 			io.output("sys/lua/users/"..player(id,"usgn")..".txt","w+")) 			io.write(whattosave) 			io.close() 			return 1 		else 			msg2(id,"©255000000Failed to read your US ID") 			return 1 		end 	end end addhook("leave","save_autosaveleave") function save_autosaveleave(id) 	for id = 1,32 do 		if (player(id,"exists")) then 			if (player(id,"usgn")>0) then 				io.output("sys/lua/users/"..player(id,"usgn")..".txt","w+")) 				io.write(whattosave) 				io.close() 				return 1 			end 		end 	end end addhook("minute","save_autosavemin") function save_autosavemin(id) 	for id = 1,32 do 		if (player(id,"exists")) then 			if (player(id,"usgn")>0) then 				msg2(id,"©255255255Auto Saved *Every Minute*") 				io.output("sys/lua/users/"..player(id,"usgn")..".txt","w+")) 				io.write(whattosave) 				io.close() 				return 1 			end 		end 	end end addhook("spawn","save_loadspawn") function save_loadspawn(id) 	if ("user/"..player(id,"usgn")..".txt")~=nil) then 		msg2(id,"©255255255SuccesFully Loaded") 		for l in io.lines("sys/lua/users/"..player(id,"usgn")..".txt") do 			value = tonumber(l) -- This is the value to get ur score use " parse("setscore "" "..value) " 		end 	else 		msg2(id,"©255000000Failed to load") 	end end