CS2D Maps/Editor dwall helpdwall help
10 replies 1
Lotteria has written
you must use trigger start in the map with dwall + delay !!
That way it won't pop up when you step on it --'
Mawd has written
Lua. Or Trigger_Move plus trigger_delay.
Trigger_delay can only count in seconds. That's why you'd better use lua.
This will work only if if the players enters the dynwall running (knife speed or similar) and if doesn't know about the trap.
first put a trigger_move on the path, and then put the dynwall next to the trigger_move.
Alistaire is right, trigger_delay counts in seconds, but we can solve that if you use a delay chain with 0 seconds (that means, delay 1 triggers delay 2, delay 2 triggers delay 3, delay 3 triggers delay 4 and so on)
the chain length for a knife speed is about 15 delays (remember, with 0 seconds)
of course, if the players is faster or slower, the wall will not kill him.
and if you don't like this solution learn lua.
[offtopic]why I am helping him?, he think I stole EDVK[/offtopic]
Unknown_Soldier has written
Alistaire is right, trigger_delay counts in seconds, but we can solve that if you use a delay chain with 0 seconds (that means, delay 1 triggers delay 2, delay 2 triggers delay 3, delay 3 triggers delay 4 and so on)
the chain length for a knife speed is about 15 delays (remember, with 0 seconds)
the chain length for a knife speed is about 15 delays (remember, with 0 seconds)
I guess you're right, pro, but don't forget this is a matter of latency and server speed. Some computers can make this chain work in under 0,01 second, some maybe after a lot more time. Best try is to make Lua, or else just leave the project till DC's added trigger_delay's with better costumizable timers.
Alistaire has written
Some computers can make this chain work in under 0,01 second
The delays (0 seconds) works in fps, cs2d runs at 50 fps, it needs 0,02 second to trigger 1 delay, multiplied by 15 is a total of 0,30 seconds (working at 50 fps)
the trick should work on server-side (since the player speed is affected by fps) and people with the same speed of the server