Off Topic Post a screenshot of your desktopsReason:
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
BlueGums has written
All y'all dumbasses using Google Chrome are stupid.
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
Holy shit!! How did you got these informations, dude? With these infos I can keep my PC safe as hell!!! You must be a script-god! I guess you can hack my computer with a click.
Go fuck yourself.
0a has written
Holy shit!! How did you got these informations, dude? With these infos I can keep my PC safe as hell!!! You must be a script-god! I guess you can hack my computer with a click.
Go fuck yourself.
BlueGums has written
All y'all dumbasses using Google Chrome are stupid.
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
Holy shit!! How did you got these informations, dude? With these infos I can keep my PC safe as hell!!! You must be a script-god! I guess you can hack my computer with a click.
Go fuck yourself.
Lol wut? Stupid Turk.
edited 1×, last 03.06.12 09:20:52 pm
Admin/mod comment
§1.2 - No racism BlueGums has written
I find it very plausible considering all of the implementations that exists in the computer world. Silent updates and what not. Be aware of this, hopefully nobody feel what I say is scarce although I believe this is true. Be careful of what is running on your PC and also note that services, and drivers can also be considered as malicious. All y'all dumbasses using Google Chrome are stupid.
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
Everyone knows Google Chrome is a botnet/skynet (infected with malware).
Google ads can't be blocked.
Google log what you search using Google and Google Chrome.
So basically you're all in Googles little 'unknow' project.
BlueGums has written
Lol wut? Stupid Turk.
You're funny, Teafag. I mean; X-Rated.
Admin/mod comment
§1.2 - No racismedited 5×, last 17.06.12 07:04:14 pm
Th3H4Mz4n6has a bad ass personal one -good job for you
Can you all wait til sunday so I will have my new pc by then
Since i have a new pc i've changed my desktop, and i have about 9 backgrounds, and this is the current one
edited 1×, last 11.08.12 12:36:14 am
Mine changes with a custom theme
Meter gadgets -