the next game
the next game
32 replies what will be the next weapon on cs2d?
I think it wont give a new weapon because I it is a clone of CS 1.6 and there are no more weapons ( maybe the shield, but it isn't a weapon). The Flamegun and the lasergun are new weapons, because in CS 1.6 there are no Flame or Lasergun
Sorry for my bad english
wudi yep it is A CLONE OF CS 1.6 so i dont think there will be an another
but it would be good i think an automatic AWP would be cool
aytomatic awp like aimbot
would be baddd
becouse the gui who get the awp would be undefiteble i agree that would be cool . like knive vs laser. who wins? dont ask you know
that awp is not good idea its bad but only normal awp wont be bad Full auto AWP.. sounds like a hack.
NOPE it is not a hack.
it has to cost 16000$ no
!!! there shou'nd be becouse if you didnt saw that when you die or go to the others team you get 3000 so if you kill yourself 10 times you will buy such awp not get it why there shou'nd be such thing ![](img/smiles/rolleyes.gif)
but if you want to get those money you dont have to buy weapons wich get;'s all you money go to cs2d and try silent control and g man is rigth it will be as cheat ~!!
! mhhh ....
in cs2d there a already a automatic sniper ... but no automatic awp because it is the same in cs 1.6 and cs:s there a automatic sniper and a magnum rifle ( awp ) and when you ( silent_control) want to have a automatic awp than you must learn Blitz3D to edit the cs2d source code to make your own cs2d with a automatic awp
By the way if a aoutomatic awp cost 16000 then you can't get some ammo for it
p.s. sorry for my bad english i hope you can understand what i mean how do you buy it ? can you buy it somehow? DC Admin
no you can't. and the idea is stupid.