Guis somethink very immportant is going on the have been hacked and the only posts in the forum are "THIS FORUM HAVE BEEN HACKED. FUC YOU" what the hell ius going the forum have just been hacked somebody tell a way to tell the leaders to get it back please!!!!! and besides DC look out! somethink can happent somebody can hack your i warned you if something wrong and there are all threads deleted be sure a bitch have been haved it
I've got backups for the forum. Even if someone hacks it and deletes everything I can just upload the backups so that only the latest messages are lost.
Your links guides to a hosted forum. You should contact the hoster to restore a backup. They usually should have some, if they are proper hosters. If they do NOT have... Well, look for another hister or get webspace and host it by yourself
You better ask yourself who it was.And i see what for a GREAT gramma he has. Anyway he said fuck you and if is that so,than the hacker is angry at the clan. And i dont wonder because with these lcs2d banner are the best you dont make you all too popular.Even the banner that Robin has just sucks because if i want to read it,i skip it because you seee more of the banner than of the text. Ok two things happend
-The hacker said with caps lock so i dont think HaZaRd was it
-The guy has a worse gramma
So think.Maybe you can find out who it was. Was there somebody who you banned or something? Do you have complication with a another clan? Just think a bit and you might know who it is.But only maybe.
if you watch to up you'll see lol clan (on the LCS2D forum)
another somthing:
how can they ever hack it? they dont know the password right?
EDIT: (again )
maybe the hacker is gay! look at the forum: if you click memberlist youll see some names!!! he say i, the hacker am gay. but i dont think he will be so stupid
The hacker doesn't have to have something angainst you, maybe he is someone, who just wants to destroy something and he chose your forum random.
@robin: If hacking was just typing in a pw, it woukldn't be that fun for some people
@bannertopic: Those animated banners with the wrong grammar are really annoying some people (including me ), but I think that's not the reason for the attack.
@Blade: Ever seen a hacker with a Duden or Oxford Dictionary?
so can you backup the forum DC? because its still hacked
DC has written
I've got backups for the forum. Even if someone hacks it and deletes everything I can just upload the backups so that only the latest messages are lost.
@Blade: Ever seen a hacker with a Duden or Oxford Dictionary?
Nah but atleast he should write it normal.If i see that he has that bad gramma,i would just think that it is usual from that guy
@robin:your banner show more of itself than the text.I was a bit harsh with that but i have to be real:the banner that you have now is really too long.Better take a short one and one that isnt so big so that ppl are more interested to read your text instead that they are skipping reading your posts.