On weiwen's map there are no enough monsters to kill so that is the reason i wan't to know how to add some monsters
Tnx for reading hope i will get some help soon
CONFIG.MONSTERS = 	{ 		name = 'Bulbasaur', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/1.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2, r = 136, g = 224, b = 32, 		atk = 1.9, def = 2.1, spd = 6, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10, 		spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {100}}, 		spawn = { 			['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF} 		}, 		exp = 15, money = 100, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 102}, {chance = 250, id = 221}}, 		spc = {1500, function(self) 			radiusmsg("Bulbasaur casts heal!", self.x, self.y) 			parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 255 255 255") 		end}, 	}
spc = {}
PVPZONE = {{xxx,xxx},{xxx,xxx}}