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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

@user RedizGaming: That's not how cheating works. A cheater needs to exploit the game memory by altering it with a third-party software like Cheat Engine. The most common stuff used by cheaters amongst other methods. "Encrypting" some codes or similar stuff is completely meaningless and I don't see how it can reduce the possibility for cheaters to cheat in the game.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

@user GeoB99: It depends. This can be how cheating works. You can also cheat by modifying the binary. This isn't even solved by a simple hash check because the hash check can be modified as well. Putting the code in an encrypted block and only unpacking the parts of the code that are currently used is a way to slow down hackers and crackers. However, it also slows down the game a lot, so it's probably not really possible. Also, of course, the encrypted block can be decrypted by a hacker as well because the game of course needs to know the key to decrypt it, otherwise it would not be able to run itself.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Super User Off Offline

user kerker hat geschrieben
Change different effect when hit by flashlight grenades, like CS:GO.

If you're talking about when you got flashed by flasbang in CS:GO, it saves your screen and while it becaming transparent, it shows us what we saw when we flashed. So if cs2d cmd screenshot was not only for clients then we could do it regardless. Take a screenshot whenever we flashed, then show it while white screen start to losing its effect and cs2d lua cmd tween_alpha it.

By the way, CS2D's flashbang works like how it should be work already, so let it roll off.


alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Spielt CS2D

Almost anyone know that when we hold portal gun and press 'R' (reload) - our portals would be closed.

And maybe if we hold satchels and press 'R' - our own satchels would be highlighted with red(or any) colour and faded for ~300 ms(or balance it for better one). Like a tween_color(). But maybe it would require x2 images for each satchel, bcs if we gonna recolour our satchels and if we threw one on the floor and some1 threw ~10 at our one satchel then we can't see our one. So if we had to recolour we simply won't see it bcs a bunch satchels of another player covering that.
/traditionally excuse me for my english.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

CS2D still sends "Sending serverlist ADD-request..." attempts even though the U.S.G.N. master-server is under high load traffic. I suggest that it should check the heartbeat of the master-server first and if there's no response or it takes too much for the response, it'll pop up a warn message with the saying "the masterserver is currently on high load, ADD-request failed!" or similar.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline


I have a suggestion that originated from another game where I play which got a chit ton amount of cheaters banned (at about 4,200 in 1 Month).

I think it would be extremelly useful in cs2d due to the amount of hackers playing there.

I don't know if someone already suggested it here but whatever, my suggestion is that you implement a small recording software onto the next cs2d update.

What will the software be used for you may ask:

Firstly - It would record ONLY your cs2d screen whenever you start it.

Secondly - If a player is acting suspicious or is hacking, the the other players can press a little buttom that would notify the designated staff crew about that player behavior (Kinda like vote kick, but instead it warns the person who receives the notification about that player.

Thirdly - This software records cs2d screen, therefore visible hacks or aimbot would have no way of hiding. I suggest that admins and mods (avaiable for the task) would get the access to watch the player's recorded cs2d screen from the day they where reported with the notification buttom.

Fourthly - The designated and trustful staff members have either the option to classify the subject as innocent or guilty (which means game bannned/banned)

That's my suggestion.

Cheers ~siN/MLFD

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

@user xsiN:
There is a detail you did not see,The accumulation of messages would be extreme and not by the accumulation of real messages or real report, If it is not for the number of players among them trolls and people who want to try the new video system.
Although they will appoint players that only they have that privilege
There would be very few players assigned to that position In short it would be the same And without taking into account the effort to add a new video system to the game.
Bad idea

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

The idea is not bad itself (Did you see what i wrote about the hackers that were banned with this system?)

Of course that there would be bugs, take cs2d as an example, it didn't born like it is today, but with time people/ fixed it, the same would happen with the software that I suggested.

I said a small recording program, obs is not bad at all for the job.

PS: The system that got all those 4,100 people banned is called BattlEye.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

omg @user xsiN: I do not understand your point.
I explained in detail why it would not work.
The following act continues to state that his idea would serve: ugly:
Understand, your idea would be too long in beta
Every time you start recording you would create a lot of delay,
In a last update changed the graphics of cs2d to avoid the delay.
You need to research the procedure of your idea before stating that it would serve.
Your intentions are good but your idea is pathetic.

-Quick out-
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