This is useful for lazy people who want to define many equal objects with just minor differences.
as I'm the one who suggested this I take it that is (partly) directed at me?

from what I see it looks like the words "virtual" and "define" are the keywords to start a new definition. wouldnt it be better if the keyword for "vitual" was "define virtual", just like the normal "define" in front of "define object"?
also, as I'm pretty much unfamiliar with any programing language besides Java, my guess would be that you chose the word "virtual" over "abstract" from another language? is there any reason behind this?
and can the axes used for rotating an object also be used for direct input regarding the size of that object? there are little dots in the axes which look like they can be dragged to scale the object in the respective direction...
in S2 it was quite a problem to scale things in the map editor. you only could enter a number into a field in the property window but even with that you werent able to see directly how much bigger the object had gotten because it still was the same size. you had to first start the map to see how it changed.