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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

very nice update again

This is useful for lazy people who want to define many equal objects with just minor differences.

as I'm the one who suggested this I take it that is (partly) directed at me?

from what I see it looks like the words "virtual" and "define" are the keywords to start a new definition. wouldnt it be better if the keyword for "vitual" was "define virtual", just like the normal "define" in front of "define object"?

also, as I'm pretty much unfamiliar with any programing language besides Java, my guess would be that you chose the word "virtual" over "abstract" from another language? is there any reason behind this?

and can the axes used for rotating an object also be used for direct input regarding the size of that object? there are little dots in the axes which look like they can be dragged to scale the object in the respective direction...
in S2 it was quite a problem to scale things in the map editor. you only could enter a number into a field in the property window but even with that you werent able to see directly how much bigger the object had gotten because it still was the same size. you had to first start the map to see how it changed.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I actually didn't think much about "virtual". It just came to my mind first because you're not defining an actual object but just a "virtual" one. But you're right, I should put a "define" in front of it and also "abstract" is a better term. So I'll probably change it to "define abstract object/unit/item/whatever" instead of "virtual".

The dots are just a visualization of the axis. Re-sizing actually wasn't planned as editor feature as it might lead to problems to simply resize certain objects but it probably should be added.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

What you are thinking about water???

Will there be only salted water and and fresh water from "water stones" (The onliest thing that I don't like in S2) or will there be a fresh water (like rivers and lakes) as good (what would be more realistic)???

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
Those are only placeholders which will be replaced later. Free Unity3D asset store models

May we know how? Buy from Unity3D store, make by yourself, or ask/hire some one to do this?
Just wonder

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

user Nem has written
user DC has written
Those are only placeholders which will be replaced later. Free Unity3D asset store models

May we know how? Buy from Unity3D store, make by yourself, or ask/hire some one to do this?
Just wonder

They are comming with "Unity 3D" program.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

user DC has written
I guess he asked how the original models will be made. I can't answer this question at this point.

Myes got it when allready sended that reply. couldn't been able to delete it.

But What will be with sweetwater??? Will there be rivers or lakes???

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Lua menu...didnt expected that comming, really nice and comfortable espicially when you making some mods'n'stuff.

Resize if usefull too

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

the scaling thing looks nice. thanks for implementing that

about the scripted menu:
if button("Editor",5,screenHeight()/2)>0 then
from what I see this both creates the button and also checks whether the cursor points at it (in the "button" function which is called)?
then this probably means that the menu is drawn anew every single frame?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

Yes, it's drawn new every single frame (everything is rendered every frame, that's the common way to do things in games). And the Lua script is executed every frame as well. The awesome performance of Lua allows to do that without any problems and without any serious impact on FPS.
There is no "button" object. I just draw an image every frame and check if the mouse is over it (this is what I would do anyway on the lowest programming level).

The FPS in the Unity3D IDE seem to be somehow limited but this runs at over 60 FPS no matter if the Lua stuff is executed or not.

You could actually write little Lua games in the main menu of Stranded III already
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