DC has written
You could actually write little Lua games in the main menu

So it will be possible to write a little easter-egg thingy just like in menu of Stranded II? (Right click explosion) Nem User
DC has written
You could actually write little Lua games in the main menu of Stranded III already

Actually made me smile
Would SIII have some "mini-games" inside it? And will it be compatible with SII maps/campaign? Not after first release, i mean somewhen when it would be near Gold version?
Infinite Rain has written
So it will be possible to write a little easter-egg thingy just like in menu of Stranded II? (Right click explosion)
I bet you would be able to do more
DC Admin
Nem: I didn't plan to make it compatible with Stranded II but it should be possible to write a converter. I'm not planning to do this either though. Someone who is bored and wants to do it can give it a try later. I'll probably write a specification for the S3 map format and S2 is open source anyway.
No comment on the minigames. I'm not sure about it yet. It surely is an option.
Infinite Rain: Not with the currently implemented Lua command set (don't ask about it, it's just loading/drawing media and getting some variables) but you will be able to do things like that and much more later. The scriptable menu looks nice so far
This and multiplayer would make Stranded an awesome game to play
Also, Master @
DC: You can use models from HERE
DC: Do you already know a kind of polygon limit for the models of SIII? DC Admin
-tony316-: There is no real limit as far as I know. You may want to search for "unity3d polygon limit" to find out more. I think you can use as many as your video card can handle. Stranded III + Vehicles + Zombie
= AWESOME ...will there be speaking turtles?
SeanHoca has written
Stranded III + Vehicles + Zombie

No. Make coconuts. :3
Btw, I'm not sure if there were any in Stranded 2, so just saying.
Jela331 has written
Make coconuts. :3
Btw, I'm not sure if there were any in Stranded 2, so just saying.
There allready was coconuts and bananas, NOT saying - I know.
SeanHoca has written
Stranded III + Vehicles + Zombie

If DC will add to random maps "zombies" I will kill him. If a survival as a stranded - then as realistic as possible - I don't think that zombie is into the fauna of tropical island...
I hope - you're joking with that quection.....
DC: Please don't put into tropical island "lions", cause lions lives in savanna - only. Puma or Tiger (not a golf player) could do better.... P.S. Will it be possible to set for each climate unique fauna (animals)??? edited 2×, last 21.02.13 12:44:50 pm
Lions do not (If I'm right) live in the Savanna. In fact they would probably die out there as there is barely anything.
Understand that Stranded II was never meant to be realistic, it has Raptors. Are you telling me THAT is realistic?
I vote Zombies.
EndDead has written
Lions do not (If I'm right) live in the Savanna. In fact they would probably die out there as there is barely anything.
Understand that Stranded II was never meant to be realistic, it has Raptors. Are you telling me THAT is realistic?
I vote Zombies.
from wikipedia "Wild lions currently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (where an endangered remnant population resides in Gir Forest National Park in India) while other types of lions have disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru.[5] The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a major population decline of 30–50% over the past two decades[date missing] in its African range.[2]" link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion Admin/mod comment
What is that /Yates crap about? If you are Yates: Use your account. If you are not Yates: Stop writing his nick under your posts! /DC @
DC: a question that came to my mind yesterday:
since the main menu is now scriptable, will this also apply to other elements of the interface?
what I think about in special is the inventory screen. I think you once said, that you wanted to make it so that each item has it's own slot and multiple items of the same type wont stack because S3 will be object oriented and stacking means that items will lose their stats. (although, this might lead to problems when the player is carrying many small items, e.g. leaves. maybe then stacking would make sense if the items had the same stats or something...)
anyway, would it be possible (if someone wanted to do this for some reason) e.g. to script the inventory into a system where items can use up 1x2 spaces or 2x1, 2x3, 1x4 etc. and there'd only be a limited number of spaces so the player would have to do a little inventory-tetris to fit all the stuff he wants to carry?
DC has written
You could actually write little Lua games in the main menu of Stranded III already

Mods are about to get a whole lot better.
inb4 playing CS2D in SIII menu? Nem User
DannyDeth has written
DC has written
You could actually write little Lua games in the main menu of Stranded III already

Mods are about to get a whole lot better.

inb4 playing CS2D in SIII menu?
Is CS2D a small game?
But maybe a minigold madnes... you could build a little programmable pc in starnded 3(i think)
Nem has written
Is CS2D a small game?

You could run CS2D in the background then stream it's video into SIII using framebuffer objects and a few hacks.