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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Because Stranded III will support multiplayer, including U.S.G.N. accounts, serverlists and friendslist just like CS2D and Carnage Contest.

I already activated this on the website for testing. The icon is just a placeholder though and will be replaced with a better icon later.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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This game series is one of my favorites! I would even pay just so I can play the alpha - even if the game crashes every half a hour and even if it would kill the savegame then!
You did and do a fantastic job programming this game! Don't worry, I'll follow your stuff to the end of the universe (if you don't get the reference you missed good books!)!

Hope we'll see some of the game stuff soon...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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As longer we are waiting - as better will be the game. That's a fact, so it is not so sad, that for this game need more time then for the rest of the games by DC, cause by the graphics and "code line" lenght - this is the biggest game. At the moment the works are around "map", cause Stranded III - visibly will have a good map. However - if I would have a choice to wait only for one year for a normal game, OR for two years for great game - I would wait --- 2 years

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I would be happy if he gave us an extreamly unstable alpha... just to have a feeling what I can expect!
But your right, if a game takes longer to make it will be more stable ans with more stuff in it.
Also it's confusing that he post his progress in another thread...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I think I will release an alpha as soon as the game is playable.

(also please don't quote if you just refer to the post above yours! It creates tons of useless overhead. I removed the quotes)
edited 1×, last 27.03.13 12:45:41 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I don't know if 2-3 months is soon for him but 2-3 months is soon for me. I can't tell you anything there is no strict schedule and I also got other stuff to do.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
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@user -tony316-: It's still very alpha stage, but this is good idea anyway..

@user DC: So I'm waiting if You make moving player and some other stuff and release alpha keep it writing and as I saw, you already was "playing online Stranded III" on user status

EDIT: Also imagine SIII like that:
edited 1×, last 30.03.13 12:37:47 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Nem has written
So 2-3 month is "soon" for you? lol. I know it, and i just asked if DC maybe have some thoughts about it.

@user Nem: & @user DC: For the game like I can see in screenshots - it is quite soon..... Maybe I am a sceptic, But it is not a FIFA series, where are no real "new gameplay elements" and are maded by a big team in one year... I think..., for tottal finishing of this game will be needed as an minimum 2 years, and for normal "playable alpha version" will be needed as minimum 4-6 month... But myes..., I am not DC. I just do my own studies in Computer Science (Bacalour, 1st year)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I'm not really happy that people post pictures with high end graphics and tell others to imagine SIII to be like that. Better lower you expectations...
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