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English Should abortion be banned

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Poll Poll

If the child is a product of a rape, should abortion be legal in this case?

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76.47% (39)
23.53% (12)
51 votes cast

old Re: Should abortion be banned

Deleted User

@user palomino: @user ohaz:
However, there was a situation, pretty horrible one. Some family adopted 12 disabled children, and used them for filming pornography. So adobtion is not always the way out.

old Re: Should abortion be banned

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@user Infinite Rain: That is why things like this should be handled by people who care and not just those who do it for the money or are simple bureaucrats.
Of course, the family that adopts children must be triple-checked and visited by a child protection service officer regularly.

old Re: Should abortion be banned

Deleted User

user palomino has written
Of course, the family that adopts children must be triple-checked and visited by a child protection service officer regularly.
Amen to your words. But sadly that it's not like that.

old Re: Should abortion be banned

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@sapling I'd be greatly surprised if you had half the IQ Y has,moreover gj on writing rageposts that the community probably wont even read,lol!

hats off to you for making such a good reputation in unrealsoftware and showing what a degenerated, unfriendly person you actually are.

old Re: Should abortion be banned

User Off Offline

Read 4 pages before i got bored..
In islamic low abortion is forbidden after 120 days of pregnancy, after "the infusion of the soul".
Unless the mother's health is in danger, she can't abort.

old Re: Should abortion be banned

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user KimKart has written
It shouldn't. less humans destroying this planet, less problems. We all should just die.
I lol'd hard. Unfortunately, anime fucked up your brain. I wonder how did you manage to not die with your ideology? lol BTW, say it to India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria and other countries.

Population density (people per km2) by country, 2006:

old Re: Should abortion be banned

Idiot Off Offline

I was just saying what would be better for this planet. No anime here. Global warming shit, pollution e.t.c. Just look at it. I guess it's in humans nature to fuck everything.

Anyways, is it me or Nigeria is looking quite black?

old Re: Should abortion be banned

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user KimKart has written
I was just saying what would be better for this planet. No anime here. Global warming shit, pollution e.t.c. Just look at it. I guess it's in humans nature to fuck everything.

Anyways, is it me or Nigeria is looking quite black?
For planet would be better if people would use technologies that do not spoil nature. If you think so, then it's in your nature too or you aren't human.

Nigeria (latin "nigrum" - black) looks darker then Latvia on the map.

old Re: Should abortion be banned

Idiot Off Offline

It would be better for the planet, better than it is now, but the best would be that there wouldn't be any humans.
Anyways, FTP. I enjoy wasting the precious resources.

Igor has written
Nigeria looks darker then Latvia on the map.
Exacly what i meant.
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