Off Topic Another PC building thread Mami Tomoe has written
Just get a longer cable and put the PC away!
How putting the PC away would help the problem? That'd be a waste of time + Rainoth'd have to buy other longer cables such as of the monitor, keyboard, mouse and other peripherals. I'm fairly sure nobody in the world did such thing as it's pretty much stupid to be honest.
Saying "get water cooling" does not help at all. I already know of the liquid cooling option, that's why I wrote that post in the first place. You just repeat what I said. Also your last post is basically "You have problems. That's stupid." - very helpful.
@ GeoB99 Keyboard & Mouse are wireless so wouldn't be a problem. Still not a solution to sounds anyways ^.o
Still awaiting for a person who actually uses one of the things I mentioned and shares his experience
// Ended up getting more fans and a heatsink to improve air circulation. Now only need to find a program for controlling the fans (or I'll have to get the fan controller/panel which I forgot ) since they make more sound unnecessarily xd
edited 1×, last 02.09.16 05:13:50 pm