Acording to the command reference: Free "Class", ID [, Count]
(I know that you don't put brackets, the brackets are there to tell that part of the syntax is OPTIONAL)
on:use { $xofobj = getx ("self", self); //remove self $yofobj = gety ("self", self); //remove self $zofobj = getz ("self" self); //remove self & missing comma $yawofobj = getyaw ("self", self); //remove self $classofobj = currentclass(); $idofobj = currentid(); $nameofobj = name ($classofobj, $idofobj); play "barkbranchfire.wav"; msg "An $nameofobj ($classofobj) with an id of $idofobj and yaw rotation of $yawofobj has been removed at x: $xofobj, y: $yofobj, z: $zofobj", 1, 6000; free $classofobj, $idofobj, 1; }
on:use { $xofobj = getx ("self"); $yofobj = gety ("self"); $zofobj = getz ("self"); $yawofobj = getyaw ("self"); $classofobj = currentclass(); $idofobj = currentid(); $nameofobj = name ($classofobj, $idofobj); play "barkbranchfire.wav"; msg "An $nameofobj ($classofobj) with an id of $idofobj and yaw rotation of $yawofobj has been removed at x: $xofobj, y: $yofobj, z: $zofobj", 1, 6000; free $classofobj, $idofobj, 1; }
free $classofobj, $idofobj, 1;
free "self";
$nameofobj = name ($classofobj, $idofobj);
$nameofobj = name ("$classofobj", $idofobj);
addscript "$type", $id2, 5;
addscript "$type", $id2, "5";
freeze "$id2", 1;
freeze $id2, 1;
$id2 = create ($type, $placement, $placex, $placez);
$id2 = create ("$type", $placement, $placex, $placez);
setrot "$type", $id2, self, $placeyaw, self;
setrot "$type", $id2, "self", $placeyaw, "self";
free self;
free "self";
page=bush title=Planting Bush text=start !4I have chosen to plant a bush. !4What bush shall I plant? !5Other fruiting bushes can be !5grown by planting it's fruit. !5Such as, Hemp, Tomato, Potato, !5Corn, Berry, Grape, Grain, and !5Flowers. text=end ibutton=gfx\icons\baldbush01.bmp, bush1, Bald Bush ibutton=gfx\icons\bush04.bmp, bush2, Variegated Bush ibutton=gfx\icons\bush11.bmp, bush3, Denseleaf Bush page=bush1 script=start $x=use_x(); $y=use_y(); $z=use_z(); freestored "unit",1,15,1; $typ=22; $id=create("object",$typ,$x,$z); $tmp=growtime($typ); $tmp=(-$tmp); $tmp++; spawntimer $id,$tmp; if (skillvalue("plant")>=200){ process "planting bald bush",300; }else{ process "planting bald bush",3000; } play "dig.wav"; play "mat_leaf1.wav"; event "iskill_plant","global"; closemenu; script=end page=bush2 script=start $x=use_x(); $y=use_y(); $z=use_z(); freestored "unit",1,15,1; $typ=26; $id=create("object",$typ,$x,$z); $tmp=growtime($typ); $tmp=(-$tmp); $tmp++; spawntimer $id,$tmp; if (skillvalue("plant")>=200){ process "planting variegated bush",300; }else{ process "planting variegated bush",3000; } play "dig.wav"; play "mat_leaf1.wav"; event "iskill_plant","global"; closemenu; script=end page=bush3 script=start $x=use_x(); $y=use_y(); $z=use_z(); freestored "unit",1,15,1; $typ=55; $id=create("object",$typ,$x,$z); $tmp=growtime($typ); $tmp=(-$tmp); $tmp++; spawntimer $id,$tmp; if (skillvalue("plant")>=200){ process "planting denseleaf bush",300; }else{ process "planting denseleaf bush",3000; } play "dig.wav"; play "mat_leaf1.wav"; event "iskill_plant","global"; closemenu; script=end
$yawtext = "0 Dagrees Yaw";
$yawtext = 0;
msg "$yawtext Dagrees Yaw";
$choosetext="Orange Butterfly";
on:selectplace { $placex = selectplace_x(); $placez = selectplace_z(); $placement = $selchoose; $type = $settype; //this $settype is that text variable from your page=spawnunit $placeyaw = $setyaw; $id2 = create ($type, $placement, $placex, $placez); setrot "$type", $id2, self, $placeyaw, self; addstate "$type", $id2, 17; addscript "$type", $id2, 5; freeze $id2, 1; play "magic.wav"; closemenu; }
$type = currentclass();
$id2 = create("$type", $placement, $placex, $placez);
free "object", $id, $penamount; //results in a "expecting semicolon" error
local "$zofobj = getz ("self");
local "$zofobj = getz ("self")";
on:create { local $xofobj,$yofobj,$zofobj,$yawofobj,$classofobj,$idofobj,$nameofobj; $xofobj = getx ("self"); $yofobj = gety ("self"); $zofobj = getz ("self"); $yawofobj = getyaw ("self"); $classofobj = currentclass(); $idofobj = currentid(); $nameofobj = name ("$classofobj", $idofobj); }
on:spoilage4 { 	local $tmp,$tmp0,$tmp1,$tmp2,$id; 	$id=currentid(); 	$tmp0=random(1,15); 	if($tmp0==1){ 		$tmp=random(254,279); 	}elseif($tmp0==2){ 		$tmp=random(9,16); 	}elseif($tmp0==3){ 		$tmp=random(31,46); 	}elseif($tmp0<=5){ 		$tmp=random(66,99); 	}elseif($tmp0<=7){ 		$tmp=random(115,126); 	}elseif($tmp0==8){ 		$tmp=random(3700,3710); 	}elseif($tmp0==9){ 		$tmp=random(3610,3630); 	}elseif($tmp0<=11){ 		$tmp=random(4873,4892); 	}elseif($tmp0==12){ 		$tmp=random(4902,4909); 	}else{ 		$tmp=random(4958,4995); 	} 	if($tmp==119){ 		if(count_stored("unit",1,119)>=1){ 			msg "Worm",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,119,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	}elseif($tmp==256){ 		if(count_stored("unit",1,256)>=1){ 			msg "Corn Shuck",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,256,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	}elseif($tmp==257){ 		if(count_stored("unit",1,257)>=1){ 			msg "Corn Cob",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,257,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	}elseif($tmp==3618){ 		if(count_stored("unit",1,3618)>=1){ 			msg "Chicken Sandwich",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,3618,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	}elseif($tmp==3619){ 		if(count_stored("unit",1,3619)>=1){ 			msg "Fish Sandwich",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,3619,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	}elseif($tmp==278){ 		if(count_stored("unit",1,278)>=1){ 			msg "Fertile Cornseed",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,278,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	}elseif(count_stored("unit",1,$tmp)>=1){ 		$tmp1=getstored("unit",1,$tmp); 		if(compare_material("item",$tmp1,"none")==1){ 			$tmp2=name("item",$tmp); 			msg "$tmp2",1,9000; 			msg "...has spoiled!",3,9150; 			freestored "unit",1,$tmp,1; 			$id=create("item",4888,0,0); 			store $id,"unit",1; 		} 	} }
$tmp2=name("item",$tmp);where the