Maybe you'd do this like in AssaultCube game, it called Demo, and it's pretty usefull! You can spectate anyplayer with that and even watch the game from many angels like you in it.

CS2D Replays Feature
38 replies
Would you use this feature?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes | 91.23% (52) | |
No | 8.77% (5) |
57 votes cast
Maybe you'd do this like in AssaultCube game, it called Demo, and it's pretty usefull! You can spectate anyplayer with that and even watch the game from many angels like you in it.

31 like vs 1 dislike. I think this one dislike was by @
SQ: himself
Cuz he need to finish that and fix all bugs afterall.

Nope, as you can read:

from my post.
If you were in years ago, this would be so advanced.
Keep sharing your ideas!
P:S:I know this is stupid,just asking.

31 like vs 1 dislike. I think this one dislike was by @
SQ: himself
Cuz he need to finish that and fix all bugs afterall.

Nope, as you can read:

from my post.
Sorry, I can't read nothing from your post. Try to stop using google translator.
edited 1×, last 12.04.17 02:14:46 pm
Also is not hard to understand:

otherwise you are r....d.
/excuse me, but due to his shitty act to me i could not talk else with him.

i voted no bcs i don't really give a mind about that if it is exists or not.
If you don't mind, just fucking skip it. If there's something you don't want, just fucking do not use it.

Would i use it? no. Read next time the poll carefully.

Tell me where im wrong?

Said a guy who has to use "avalible" in his skype form.

Admin/mod comment

Better close this thread I think, there is no things to talk about.
btw: By telling me to close a thread you're basically violating the rules. Attention!

Currently it's more important to improve the current version of CS2D by fixing issues in the existing feature set before we can concentrate on adding new features.