This game is a masterpiece, but the game is behind the era. Game makers need to realize this and do something. The ranked system should be changed first and ranked games should come. The main menu should be changed, it should be more modern. The game does not need to change graphically. This game is the best game made by Unreal Software and it needs a serious update now. There aren't many people playing the game right now because there are so many missing things. Sight weapons should be replaced. Weapon costumes can come for the game to make money. How many years the game is almost the same. This game may be the best game in 2D category. Please take care! And sorry for my english, ım trying my best.

More Serious Updates Are Required!
22 replies
Do you think there should be a big update to the game?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
YES | 47.62% (20) | |
NO | 52.38% (22) |
42 votes cast
This game is a masterpiece, but the game is behind the era. Game makers need to realize this and do something. The ranked system should be changed first and ranked games should come. The main menu should be changed, it should be more modern. The game does not need to change graphically. This game is the best game made by Unreal Software and it needs a serious update now. There aren't many people playing the game right now because there are so many missing things. Sight weapons should be replaced. Weapon costumes can come for the game to make money. How many years the game is almost the same. This game may be the best game in 2D category. Please take care! And sorry for my english, ım trying my best.
DC isn't interested in putting time into this game when he can instead put it into S3.
Does that bother you? Make your own game.
-CS2D cant be reasonable updated duo to the limitations of BlitzMax. (therefore complete overhaul required)
-CS2D runs smoothly on the oldest computers
- you can donate already

This game is a masterpiece, but the game is behind the era.
Its purpose is to be retro and behind era. I mean, it's 2D, right? We're having VR games right now.

There aren't many people playing the game right now because there are so many missing things
it's wrong. Adding the 'missing things' does not guarantee thousands of new players to appear.

Yes! Need to promote the game, add skins, donate and workshop!
You know promotion, development and all of these require money, time and a lot of attention? It's not that easy.
The gaming world has changed, there are many other great games with a totally different payment model: microtransactions.
On what point does CS2D win vs CSGO for an average player? Only if that average player has an (office!) PC from 10 years ago and can't run CSGO.
Take a look at the indie star from 10 years ago: Teeworlds. And right now: 300 servers, 200 players online world-wide. And it's available on Steam too, btw.
Is CS2D fun? Yes. Is Teeworlds fun? Yes, too. Pacman too. And no matter how many updates and "HD versions" Pacman has received, it hasn't become the most-played-game-daily.
My point is: there are so many fun games, old and new and if you want to play them - the only way is to build a little community. You don't have to have many players playing 24/7, once a week would be enough for any game fan community.
Skins, competetive - are sort of all "mini-addictions" in games. And the more people play a certain game - the stronger their effect. You can't seriously build the modern type of "random match competetive mode" at a size of CS2D community. You will eventually know each other. So just play with each other as part of one community then.

Yes! Need to promote the game, add skins, donate and workshop!
Skins? Seriously?

He could make it so you need to pay for skins
not sure who would buy skins in cs2d

hahaha, i can imagine seeing on the black-market CS2D skins for sale
fuckin buying skins on cs2d for 999$

abc123: I can already see the black market selling pirated player sprites for CS2D LOL.

no way, lol.

DC does not want to update CS2D, please lock this.

Who are all these people who voted No, why are they sitting on this site and do not want the game to be updated. Generally a strange site and people, some people I have never seen in the game itself. 

We are not strange people, You are strange people, It's clear that DC hasn't time to update CS2D anymore because he is currently working on Stranded III the next incoming epic game, So you guys must stop begging and urging him to keep updating CS2D. If you really want to revive this game, Create your own server and modify it as much as you want to improve it, That's gonna be enough.

EDIT: When Stranded III has been developed, We will all focus on it and will not regard CS2D anymore so let me make you sure from now that CS2D will die almost absolutely after that.
edited 1×, last 17.06.20 12:59:10 pm

Who are all these people who voted No, why are they sitting on this site and do not want the game to be updated. Generally a strange site and people, some people I have never seen in the game itself. 

But for the sake for this repeating argument, I disagree. Every game has its own lifespan and CS2D has been living long enough.

EDIT: When Stranded III has been developed, We will all focus on it and will not regard CS2D anymore so let me make you sure from now that CS2D will die almost absolutely after that.
I really don't think all will focus on stranded III. Some people here never played or even know what stranded is, like myself. Pretty rough estimate you got there.
edited 1×, last 17.06.20 09:07:01 pm