Stranded II
Can't see your tools
Can't see your tools
4 replies Um, I've noticed this with stranded and stranded II...why can't you see the tools in front of you when you are using them? It doesn't take anything out of the game play but it is still kinda weird. Here's an idea: When just walking around, you'd be silly to be holding the tools up in front of you. You'll wear yourself out that way. I've always found it strange in FPS games that they always walk around with their firearms and stuff in front of their face, as if they're afraid they might disappear if they can't see them any longer.
As for the brief moments you actually use the tools, I can't remember how it was in the first one, but in this one, you have a swooshie thing. That works well enough for me. Nice idea
But it has another reason: The feature is to difficult to inplement in the game. (development has gone too far)
The feature would just be eyecandy, be happy that the time is better used to include new features which are more fun
DC Admin
In fact it is not too difficult but I'm just too lazy to add it
Lol, there you have it