HudaJan isnt here year or...Iam afraid,he is killed..
Actually, I wasn't sure should I put an reason why I said something to HudaJan, but you forced me to do it.
Its really simple. I uploaded his mod, and said that he can notify me when he comes online.
Its a message when he comes online.
This is actually unnecessary conversation we have here, because I can read.
Well, it's been a while.
I don't know if it is worth it to excuse my "disappearance", but I'm a bit busy with school now (I'm in a final grade) so I'll do my best to make my "comeback" here
Well I don't really know, but I suggest you not to expect it soon.. As I said, I'm very busy with school plus I have a part time job because I need to buy a car
But I promise I'll do my best for developing the taxi edition
I say your "disappearance" is excused! Ps I love your mod, I keep geting a correpted file some how, so it took me a month a get it to work proply! Also Take as long as you need to work on it.
hey, I love your mod but how do i make a saw to get planks? I tried bark+hammer+iorn rod but its not working. I'm stuck now cause i can't give the warrior man all the stuff
I have the kidnap mod... (downloaded from times past) but I always got stuck on the place where the warrior says that theres a magical potion or something that will help the cheif... I looked all OVER the place... I even went to the trouble of going to the editor and looking for the item in the map the easy way... But I didn't find it...