need0help has written
if you could have like a pencil, pen (r' whatever you can draw with), and a paper (already has it), and for example, you explore the island, and the places you have visited, you can draw on the paper, making a map r' something like that.....
+ I think you should make something, that would protect your campfire from rain (something like a shelter over your campfire/grill)
And another idea, wich i think would make the game EXTRA Hard, would be adding a new bar, to those needs (The place where it shows Hunger, Thirst etc.), add How cold you are, so to increase this stat, you need to make yourself some clothes, (so it would increase), but when you get really hurt combat, or by time, those clothes wear off, and you can't use them (well, your 'for example: heat; ) is starting do decrease!) (i know it sounds stupid, but if you play the game for like 1000 Days, with the same clothes, wich you can't see, that seems stupid)
AND THE FINAL idea, was to add another food cooking type, A boiler/Caldron (i don't speak english, dunno how its really named), where you can cook Soups!