[Bolt]Fun Zombie ModeAvo User Offline 15.03.12 07:15:55 pm This is simple lua script for Zombies! gamemode. On start of round: Survivors: Get random weapon from the list* Get random item from the list* Zombies: Get random item from the zombie item list* Each player gets random perk (HP+/SPEED+/HP-/SPEED-/NIGHTVISION) Also, I created Unlimitted & Fast Building for all buildings (except turrets for fair playing ). *(editable in the script) edited 5×, last 31.01.13 04:54:05 pm Approved by EngiN33R (03.12.15 08:52 pm) Download 2 kb, 643 Downloads
SpriNG User Offline 30.12.13 08:06:41 am GOOD! i like it but , the unlimited and fast build should be removed otherwise , zOmBies can Never Win I like it!
Avo User Offline 22.12.13 03:17:31 pm Everybody loves revenge rating. Wait, no one does. What is the best about revenge rating? Files appear at the top of the "commented recently/new"-list. Try to improve your files and learn how to stand someone's criticism. Thank you for being such a mad guy.
MarcinPL BANNED Offline 22.12.13 02:27:43 pm you are not positioned to create cool mods ... my rating -1/5
Varna97 User Offline 26.10.13 12:44:27 pm sample... but i give you like for reward to your hard create I like it!
SkullzOrig User Offline 23.07.12 04:43:08 pm there should never be fast unlimited build, due to people using buid helper. I seen this problem many times.
dustin5 User Offline 09.04.12 09:47:06 am i think its better if you make random spawn place for survivor and zombies XD(make a big map and they all F*CK*D XD) I like it!