DC-15A star wars rifleSebax User Offline 06.11.12 07:54:47 pm Hello! Another skin from Star wars Battlefront 2 to cs2d. Today i make this laser battle rifle from that game. Use it Edit whit my permission Edit it whitout Steal and say it yours Now with sound I hope u like it. edited 1×, last 07.11.12 05:25:36 pm Approved by CY (04.12.15 09:02 am) Download 27 kb, 555 Downloads
TransfusionalRift User Offline 09.04.13 11:07:45 am A Blaster Rifle that shoots bullets.. How Wonderful! lawl anyway it's nice I like it!
EndDead User Offline 08.11.12 11:15:53 am Not bad, drop image is kinda,, thin? good job anyway I like it!
DevGru User Offline 07.11.12 07:34:29 am It's ok, you just need to make it a bit bigger and add more shading.
Fabro User Offline 06.11.12 08:43:45 pm bad, this not look like a rifle of star wars ,_, need details and shading srry bro 2/5