It's my last weekly upload, so that I have time to work on RPGx.
What it basically does is it draws a line that shows you how the grenade will be thrown.
That might be very useful for those who uses grenades regularly.
Now the script is usable on servers.
If you're using 'Constant' mode in 'Grenade Distance' option then you should write this command to make your indicator work properly.
Have to give special thanks to
Alistaire - He helped me to find out what super long line bug is caused by
EP - Tested this script with me.
Ghost01 and mafia_man for pointing out the server crashing
Yates for pointing out, that the script will work incorrect for those who are using 'Constant' option.
To install this, just extract the archive into your CS2D folder, and write this line to your server.lua (sys/lua/server.lua)
Oh, and please, if you found a bug, then post it in comments or pm me, so that I can fix it.
edited 10×, last 21.03.13 01:15:10 pm
Approved by CY
3 kb, 594 Downloads