The followup to es_milkrun1 (which you should check out by the way) has been released!
This map may be short since CS2D limited me to the amount of entities I can spawn more here therefore I will make es_milkrun3 after this one and if it will be too short I might combine it with this file.
Once upon a time the VIP came to visit his factory and has discovered his NPCs were released by an evil force!
He had to stop that unknown force but couldn't do it alone so he had to ask the counter terrorists to help, while trying to open their gates he accidentally opened the terrorists gate! At first they tried to kill the terrorists but then they found out that they can have a great use!
Our team has destroyed SlowPoke101 and escaped the Snark Queen and was on it's way to escape the factory in order to call soldiers to destroy EVERYTHING inside that factory.
After they escaped the factory they had to destroy the unknown evil force but on their way they had to fight Dartex and Lessfrog for fuel in order to reach the unknown ending.
For a second they wondered,
Who was the blue guy and why was the VIP talking to him?
What shoot their helicopter down?
How did Dartex and Lessfrog knew they were coming?
Why are they going through this?
All of this will be answered (hopefully) in es_milkrun3.
Indev 1.0
Development of the map started slowly but surly.
Indev 1.1
First test release for friends.
Alpha 1.2
First release to a server.
Alpha 1.3
Fixed previous bugs.
Alpha 1.4
Added some blending
Removed the dev port
Added Flamethrower secret
Added a few NPCs on the new areas
Added some messages at the end
Alpha 1.5
Added a black truck with items
Replaced the green truck
Replaced the helicopter
Alpha 1.6
Fixed mapver on Lua file
Fixed the credits
Added a local tag for ??? in Lua file
Added a link in briefing
Fixed helicopter rotors
Fixed black truck being above the player
Added some sprites
Removed some snarks on first boss
Added medikits on first boss
Removed some DYN walls
Added a few boxes
Changed dispenser to give 2hp on second boss
Changed dispenser to give 0$ on second boss
Added vending machines
Added dust near road
Beta 1.7
Fixed the button after the first boss
Changed that dispenser will now give 6hp (Total of 5hp/s with the -1hp/s hurt)
Added a few boxes to protect you from the second boss
Changed grass chapter to be on the night
Added a few street lights
Added a few G-Man-s around the map
Added a few messages
Changed a few messages
Fixed a launch bug with msg_0()
Fixed qtag not showing
Added a script that will teleport all players to the boss when it's triggered to prevent cheating
Fixed Lessfrog from exploding himself to death
Fixed dispensers will now have infinite health while second boss is active (Thanks to Waldin)
Removed some NPCs
Changed some NPCs
Fixed Lessfrog staying at true at round start
Fixed a button being object instead of wall
Beta 1.8 PATCH
Changed a few messages
Fixed a button being object instead of wall
Fixed setpos before second boss
Beta 1.9 PATCH
Fixed setpos before second boss
Beta 2.0 PATCH
Fixed blending near truck
Fixed Dartex being too easy
Fixed crickets talk too much
Fixed missing message not being activated
Fixed a message being activated before it should
Added a few tiles
Please report bugs by PM or comment section (I prepare PM so other people wont use these bugs for their own advantage on public servers).
The screenshots show the whole map because I don't want to give out spoilers about the boss fights, if you want to know more; play the map.
This map is hosted on -[IFwsI]- Escape.
This map contains 2 boss fights.
This map is rated E for Easy.
You will need 2 players in order to play.
The rest of the settings will be fixed on their own.
Thanks es_milkrun3 is still in the idea development and might take a while because of school, but I already have the ending in bait.
It's going to be a sweet one
Beta 1.7 (change log in description)
I (we) have achieved beta! The map is officially playable on public servers (but don't catch me on that one)
Important update! 1.6 is pretty hard on the second boss!
And more things have been changed too.
EDIT: Beta 1.8 PATCH will fix a problematic bug that caused players to be teleported into a wall (and some more small things)
EDIT: Beta 1.9 PATCH will fix another bug like the one above.
Sorry for not updating to 1.5 and just straight skipping to 1.6 but 1.5 was a little unstable.
Anyways enjoy with the new 1.6 update a lot of things has changed even though you probably wont notice much
@ Mami Tomoe: well i could suggest you to download some of my maps and get some half-life related sprites there, or download maps from other people and search for sprites... If you want some original sprites screenshot something from some game then edit it and use it.
@ crazy junkman Wolfgang: Those dynamic walls were annoying and I shall remove them in a further release.
More decoration might be added too but I need some sprite, do you know where I can find them? (BTW part 1 didn't had any decorations)
And like i said, you should add some efects like there where vort appears, there is teleport sound but no sprite... And you could add more details, like some junk, cardboards, breakable boxes'n'sh*t.
Every deathrun maps should be bad? I don't know if the gameplay is ahead on these type maps but you can add details, shadows or at least use different tiles. Don't make me compulsory to say use other tiles, everyone knows default tiles is bad as hell. Yeah, this is my opinion for deathrun maps.
It's kind of escape map because you escape from zombies and stuff.
I still don't understand what people talk about what dynamic walls Lol?
If you played on my servers you would've knew who Lessfrog is!
And the theme is just random, the previous was random too!
I actually prepare this map over the old one, this is more efficient. When a boss dies he wont continue to attack!
And this map is on alpha so I can easily add the things you want so just tell me what is "missing" and I might add it...
Anyways thanks for your comment (it was long to read :x)
I think i played es_milkrun 1 few times, and it was allright map (much better than this one), but this firstly isn't an es_ (escape) map, since in es_ maps ct hunt tr down (or vice versa, depends how you like it), and here since ct and tr spawn are near each other my guess is they have to cooperate and work together to kill npc-s and do objectives, so it looks like more like coop_ map to me.
About map, i really don't like it, if you ask me it's just bunch of random stuff that doesn't correlate with anything. Let me explain: random dynamic walls, anoying music, g-man short speeches, weird sprites, i mean dude what the hell? It doesn't have any theme, it's not half-life, it's not super mario, it's not virus k, and who the hell is Lessfrog?
And map could be done better, in old times this could be good map maybe, but in todays times, your map is lacking some efects (like when vorts appear, no teleport sprite just sound) and much more...
I hope you don't take this presonaly, because your first map was much better with better efects, this is just random stuff all over place.
1. Tile blending will be added later because I first wanted to get the map done.
2. That screenshot will be fixed thanks
3. I can't switch the tiles now but thanks for suggestion.
4. Thanks again for suggestion.
5. Make sure you have LUA MAP 1 and wait after the msgs are done playing, and the (dev) port will be fixed.
6. I don't know what that means
7. I didn't finish the third part yet (didn't even start it Lol)
I am trying to give helpful critism, not for revenge or anything else.
The following points are stuff whose you should looking on while creating generally new maps: use tilebleding use dyn_walls correctly (look the screenshot)
use new tiles from yourself or hire someone else to create a tileset for you, you've used very old tiles whose also seem to be from the standard tileset. also try to use new sprites or not the oldest ones, useigor's might fit into your map creating style futhermore try to set logical teleporters I spawned in the truck on the top of your map,
firstly i wasnt able to went out, and when it finally
worked, I got teleported to a point which is on the
bottom of your map.
i haven't played the whole map, but already at the second point I wasn't able to went outside again and finally I was slain by a dyn_wall which spawned out of nowhere. what sense does it make? o.O
and later the map restarted with that reason: