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English Y.A.T.E.S (3.0.2) - Admin Script / Framework >

52 comments283 b, 1,015 Downloads

old Y.A.T.E.S (3.0.2) - Admin Script / Framework

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flame Your Administration Tool for Every Server flame

Y.A.T.E.S stands out as an admin script with the fact that every player or group data can be modified in-game and each player or group may also be given individual rights dynamically. Another important feature is the ability to create plugins and have them work together without changing anything. Simply drop them into the plugins folder and you're done!

There are currently two plugins already available. Make sure to check them out and start making your own asap!

> 3.0.2 change notes:
• Languages! Translate Y.A.T.E.S easily.
• Console commands added and say commands revised (code looks better)
• Plugin changes to better suit the lazy you, you can (probably) get any code and smack it into the plugins folder and it will just work.
• More configuration.
• No more global admin console check thingy, just add your USGN ID into the config file.
• Undo command now undoes undo's and vice-versa.
• Hook overrides. This just means you can't mess up accidentally.
• A lot of other things I wrote these changes three years ago sorry.

Please report any (bugs) here.

You can also chat about it on the forums:
thread cs2d Y.A.T.E.S - Admin Script / Framework

> List of commands:
• !help [<cmd>]
• !pm <id> <message>
• !ls <cmd>
• !plugin list / menu / <info/enable/disable> <plugin>
• !command list / <enable/disable> <command>
• !softreload [<delay>] (in seconds)
• !hardreload [<delay>] (in seconds)
• !god
• !mute <id> [<duration>] (default 60 seconds) [<reason>]
• !unmute <id>
• !kick <id> [<reason>]
• !ban <id> [<duration>] (0 for infinite, -1 for server setting) [<reason>]
• !banusgn <U.S.G.N.> [<duration>] (0 for infinite, -1 for server setting) [<reason>]
• !banip <ip> [<duration>] (0 for infinite, -1 for server setting) [<reason>]
• !unban <U.S.G.N./ip>
• !unbanall
• !spawn <id> [<tilex>] [<tiley>]
• !kill <id>
• !slap <id>
• !equip <id> <weapon id>
• !strip <id> <weapon id>
• !goto <id>
• !goback <id>
• !bring <id>
• !bringback <id>
• !make <id> <team> (id or abbreviation)
• !player list / info <id> / edit <U.S.G.N.> <field> <new entry>
• !playerinfo <id>
• !playerprefix <id> <prefix>
• !playercolour <id> <colour>
• !playergroup <id> <group>
• !playerlevel <id> <level>
• !group list / info <group> / add <group> [<level>] [<colour>] [<commands>] / del(ete) <group> [<new group>] / edit <group> <field> <new entry>
• !groupprefix <group> <prefix>
• !groupcolour <group> <colour>
• !grouplevel <group> <level>
• !undo

> List of RCon commands:
• rcon help [<cmd>]
• rcon ls <cmd>
• rcon player list / info <id> / edit <U.S.G.N.> <field> <new entry>
• rcon group list / info <group> / add <group> [<level>] [<colour>] [<commands>] / del(ete) <group> [<new group>] / edit <group> <field> <new entry>

> > > CLICK HERE < < <
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ... TO ... ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
> > > DOWNLOAD < < <

> Special thanks to:
user cortz - The name.
user EngiN33R - Amazing support & guidance.
user Happy Camper - I stole your sprites.
user Nekomata - The one and only true bug tester.

You will probably need to read the setup to get everything running. At the top you can find a link to the documentation. Please do not try to rush things or assume they do not work!
edited 42×, last 24.08.20 01:40:02 pm
Approved by SQ

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283 b, 1,015 Downloads


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Where can i put the plugins and storage


User Off Offline

Why this link? I dont want to you keep angry just I dont like the your shared link.


User Off Offline

I remember back when you were learning to script in Lua. Seems you got it, good work buddy.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

@user Man Of Steel: It's all explained very clearly in the official documentation. [Link]
I like it!


User Off Offline

pls help me, i say in the game !auth but i need token...??
I like it!
edited 1×, last 28.03.17 10:43:38 am


Moderator Off Offline

@user Ekkoz: Create an empty folder in sys/lua directory path and name it as _yates. After that, extract all the following file contents from the archive to that folder and open server.lua and paste the following line below:
Once you did all these steps and launch the server, several outputs should display both in the Console or the screen eventually.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Good script. I'll try to figure out how to install it.
I like it!


Angel Montez
BANNED Off Offline

Cool Good luck like
I like it!


User Off Offline

WOW Nice
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

What user GeoB99 said. I forgot to add the dofile part to the documentation as I thought it would be pretty clear already.

I'll add it asap.


Moderator Off Offline

@user Inflexion: Don't forget to dofile the startup file through server.lua as well.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Hello Yates, I just installed the script using Git, but when I try running it on a dedicated CS2D server, it just doesn't load, and doesn't print any error

simply, doesn't load AT ALL.

Thank you, I still think this is a pretty good script and deserves to be one of the best.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Easily one of the best admin scripts to come around in a long time. This one has so much customization and of course Yate's support.
I dont like it, I love it!
I like it!


User Off Offline

Script least bothers me.
I will go for ur literature ...
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user Rainoth: And people will create threads (in wrong site) asking for plugins/commands/etc cause of they are lazy to read a description/tutorial to make a command.
I like it!
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