Ray's_C4_LauncherRay_ User Offline 24.09.10 05:24:55 pm I hate original grenade launcher, but I like C4s. This is the result. Enjoy! P.S. can someone give me a link to cool c4 lua, (for planting it everywhere and whenever)? Approved by GeoB99 (23.10.16 11:41 am) Download 22 kb, 545 Downloads
Julia D14M0ND-H34RT User Offline 03.06.12 01:08:53 am Who needs to plant the bomb when you can throw them? (Chuck norris) I like it!
Obronca User Offline 16.10.11 09:41:38 am if player download and play in dust you will see 2 bomb pack but another player see there only 1 bomb pack and 1 granade laucher hmmm. good work ilke you work sorry i want rate 9999/9999 but only 5/5 so i rate 5/5 time to sleep I like it!
DevGru User Offline 15.10.11 02:32:38 pm Lol the idea of it is awesome, C4 bag that launches c$ xD. Also you should be a T on the screen because only T uses c$ Very good, 5/5 I like it!
VladIsLove User Offline 15.06.11 07:57:24 am XDDD C4 LAUNCHER!!! XDDD AWESOME!!! omg i am crazy I like it!
Arne User Offline 26.09.10 04:20:03 pm Even though you only modified the original sprites, this is AWESOME!!! I like it!
s0nic User Offline 26.09.10 03:08:33 pm Destroying area with C4 Launcher... is...... AWESOME I like it!
Ultr4killer BANNED Offline 25.09.10 04:31:05 pm seems like the rating is 4.9/5 lets end it up and make it 5/5 I like it!
FASTDIE User Offline 25.09.10 11:50:54 am heheheh good idea and u can ask mafia man he made c4 script I like it!