Carnage Contest by LoooserLoooser User Offline 05.10.10 08:15:51 pm hi , I just had the idea of creating a map with the CC logo. What do you think about it? edited 1×, last 25.10.12 04:44:47 pm Approved by DC (13.12.15 09:10 pm) Download 7 kb, 484 Downloads
Mario_Chiko User Offline 06.12.11 02:28:07 pm Carnage contest map! This is madness, madness?, this IS Awesome! best map ever! I like it!
Hurri04 Super User Offline 05.10.10 08:40:41 pm lol this should be the official map for the AI bot fighting contest I like it!
Loooser User Offline 05.10.10 08:25:00 pm yeah it was very easy ; but it should be in carnage contest
Vectarrio User Offline 05.10.10 08:22:11 pm Idea is good, but it is easy to make, but it is Very Good! "4 - very good" I like it!