Those who downloaded this skin before the was added please redownload it. The older archive is corrupt because the bitmaps were in 32 bit. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please don't flame me for that!
My first release (on this site)
Comes with ACOG, EOTech and iron sights.
Attachments and fall camo are by daisuke (except EOTech, which is mine).
Base sprite and editing by me.
I used them with permission, don't flame me
Sorry about the _d and _k sprites. If anyone can make me a better version I will add them into the archive.
Use it!
Love it!
Favourite it!
Reupload it.
Edit it without my permission.
Redistribute without linking to this skin.
edited 27×, last 09.03.11 11:33:48 am
Approved by Sparty
273 kb, 562 Downloads