Dragunov SVDCY Reviewer Offline 08.03.11 03:22:31 pm Dragunov SVD - The 2nd skin package of the year, I also refered to an online game of CrossFire. Total of 5 skins available! Hidden AWM Normal Artic Camouflage Desert Camouflage Forest Camouflage Black Night Made by me! Use it! You may edit it! Made in MS Paint! Dont admit it that is yours! Visit Cheeto Community!:D http://www.cheetocommunity.co.cc/ Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 03:12 am) Download 10 kb, 609 Downloads
Read description.CY Reviewer Offline 22.03.11 04:10:54 pm You can edit it assakha, but dont claim it that this is yours.
D-Fox User Offline 22.03.11 03:30:50 pm It's Not Bad! AWESOME! but, there is a little bit fault! the death ntice figur is VERY big! i don't want very big Death Notice! 4/5 is enough for you! I like it!
...CY Reviewer Offline 09.03.11 03:12:08 pm Its not G3SG1 derp. you should download and use before comment. plus I dont know what's the different between SVD and Vintorez. but there's one thing for sure, they are DRAGUNOVs
...uckpa User Offline 09.03.11 02:46:47 pm Bad work... It is not similar on Dragunov SVD. It seems to me it is the bad version of skin G3SG1.
J4x User Offline 08.03.11 04:56:47 pm Awesome skins man, you'r really good making snipers. I like it!
paladin256 User Offline 08.03.11 03:35:42 pm Generally cool. but the sight in his hand is not very I like it!
MAX-russia User Offline 08.03.11 03:35:37 pm That's not SVD.Its Vintorez. Need more light and HD I like it!