Due to the CS2D Update i can finally complete the second chapter
Anyone knows Living Dead? That's the 5 maps (levels) that i uploaded 1 month ago and i deleted it yesterday, so i can combine of my 2 chapters instead of one upload per chapters
Living Dead : First Chapter (has five levels)
Toxic Fever : Second Chapter (has five levels)
This means you can play 10 maps
Recommendation :
Play it on Fog Of War (scares a bit)
Limited Ammos
Rules :
You can edit these maps with my permission
Don't upload it
You can play it on your server and don't say it's yours
Credits to :
DC (Creator of this wonderful CS2D)
Frontier Devt (Creator of the map and the uploader)
Left 4 Dead (For the awesome TheMonsterWithout and the Horde)
Others GFX (I don't know the creator is but thanks anyway)
You (For reading)
(Questions that i got from month ago)
Q : I'm beginning to confuse at chapter 1 level 3 (Where there's a rusted lever)
A : The after out coming message says "The North Wall Looks Weak" Well try shooting the north side of the wall.
Q : I'm stuck at the beginning of your map! How can i get out of here?
A : Press E on the metal wood door
Q : Why your title says Plauged, Shouldn't be Plagued?
A : Plagued seems to be old.. Plauged sounds nice
Thank you for reading and have fun
edited 3×, last 18.08.13 11:22:11 am
Approved by Seekay
664 kb, 457 Downloads