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3 comments767 b, 472 Downloads

old Custom TeamGate Kill

Apache uwu
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I like team gates...but when you die because of them they do not show the death or even mentioning "gates".

What this script does it simply this. If you touch a gatefield you die!

Oh a huge thanks to Dark Byte for helping me solve an easy question.

DarkByte has written
(6:52:44 PM) failbit: you could index the entity table with numbers instead of strings

user archmage is pretty damn pro, check out these files


t_gatenames["lasergates"]="Weapon Laser Gate"
t_gatenames["kloz"]="Entry Gate"
t_gatenames["tg"]="Boiling Green Goo"
t_gatenames["lolo"]="Hidden Gate"
t_gatenames["kila"]="CT Gate"

Those are ones that work for N~ Prison's map. If you want to change these just to this.


Name is the gatename--yes teamgates need names to show a kill via customkill. Now message is the weapon that kills the player--could be a laser gate field, a entry gate etc.
edited 5×, last 20.06.12 04:44:08 pm
Approved by Seekay

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old Nice nice

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I am going to use it in my game
I like it!

old Great

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Good job, very unique script haha,
did you get this idea from your Custom Wall kill?
I like it!


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nice and... 2Ochars
I like it!
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