Explosion in pointerEP User Offline 27.12.11 09:28:45 pm Explosion in pointer by Filbumwinter In this script the admins are able to press "E" and make an explosion in the position of the pointer, it's easy and useful. To be admin, open the script, and write your U.S.G.N Number in the list admlist It only uses 2 hooks {clientdata,use} The explosion's size is 32 (1 Tile), and it power's 9kk (you die when you receive it) Easy to edit, to understand. Have fun and good luck Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:16 pm) Download 315 b, 472 Downloads
MikuAuahDark User Offline 28.12.11 04:58:52 am waw. just use a weapon filter(if player(id,"weapontype")==x). more better if you put it at machete(just like Roleplay)
EP User Offline 28.12.11 04:24:07 am If i put with the hook "attack", think what will happen with the Flamethrower (Lag)
VAU User Offline 27.12.11 09:33:34 pm Nice One... I hope i could use it... But havent a server :-/ I like it!