Hi guys!
So , im making FREE userbars the way YOU like.
Tell me what are you looking for.
Lines? If yes then what color and big spaced or small spaced lines
Well thats it!Ohh and i can give you allready maden userbars.
edited 1×, last 26.07.11 09:45:07 am
Admin/mod comment
not cs2d related. moved to off-topic! Everyone can make simple userbars with BeltGenerator, pointless thread. No. Just, stop it. No one wants them, user bars must be uniquely created by the person them selfs.
End of story.
What the FUCK have user bars with cs2d in common!? userbars are so ugly sorry bro. 0a User
Try to make your sign with your creativity, not an userbar generator. Why do ppl like u my friend make Weird Topics
like"Making free userbars , the way you like"
We can make Userbar... u know
Some people think they are awesome and just open up threads saying that can make bars...as if no one here can make their own...-.-''
Imagine if I started a thread on making scripts?
Complete waste of time actually. x.x