im asking everybody for 3 week but no body help me
i want make Tshirt
Thanks ..
items = {} -- maintable for items on the floor function additem(x,y,img) -- just an example, adding an item with pos X,Y 	local newitem = {} -- a simple table to the new item 	newitem.x = x -- putting X pos 	newitem.y = y -- putting Y pos 	newitem.img = image(img,0,0,1) -- putting an image to the item 	table.insert(items,newitem) --inserting the newitem to the items maintable end addhook("use","d") function d(id,e,d,x,y) 	for k,v in ipairs(items) do -- reading the items maintable 		if v.x ~= nil then 			if player(id,"tilex") == v.x/32 and player(id,"tiley") == v.y/32 then --checking if some item have the same position of the player 				msg2(id,"You have picked up an item") -- You have picked up an item! 				freeimage(v.img) -- finally, remove the item from the map 				v.x,v.y = nil,nil -- later.... remove the table of that item 			end 		end 	end end addhook("serveraction","c") function c(id,a) 	if a == 2 then -- if F3... 		local x,y = player(id,"tilex")*32,player(id,"tiley")*32 -- the pixels of the player, it is more efficient 		additem(x,y,"gfx/flare1.bmp") -- adding an item at the player's position 		imagepos(items[#items].img,x+16,y+16,0) -- putting the right position of the image, with a x,y offset of 16 to centre it ;D 	end -- endif end -- endfunction
items = {} -- maintable for items on the floor function additem(x,y,img) -- just an example, adding an item with pos X,Y 	local newitem = {} -- a simple table to the new item 	newitem.x = x -- putting X pos 	newitem.y = y -- putting Y pos 	newitem.img = image(img,0,0,1) -- putting an image to the item 	table.insert(items,newitem) --inserting the newitem to the items maintable end addhook("use","d") function d(id,e,d,x,y) 	for k,v in ipairs(items) do -- reading the items maintable 		if v.x ~= nil then 			if player(id,"tilex") == v.x/32 and player(id,"tiley") == v.y/32 then --checking if some item have the same position of the player 				msg2(id,"You have picked up an item") -- You have picked up an item! 				freeimage(v.img) -- finally, remove the item from the map 				v.x,v.y = nil,nil -- later.... remove the table of that item 			end 		end 	end end addhook("serveraction","c") function c(id,a) 	if a == 2 then -- if F3... 		local x,y = player(id,"tilex")*32,player(id,"tiley")*32 -- the pixels of the player, it is more efficient 		additem(x,y,"gfx/flare1.bmp") -- adding an item at the player's position 		imagepos(items[#items].img,x+16,y+16,0) -- putting the right position of the image, with a x,y offset of 16 to centre it ;D 	end -- endif end -- endfunction