[13:22:54] <@ohaz> oh, DC just made everyone I suggested a mod.
[13:22:58] <@ohaz> that lazy bastard
[13:22:58] <@ohaz> that lazy bastard

Actually, this is not totally correct, ohaz suggested some else, however, it shows that current moderators have more insight than DC himself, moreover, this shows that current moderators have control about who to be moderators. This is an absolutely incorrect behaviour.
[21:26:47] <@ohaz> nein
[21:26:55] <@ohaz> ich will majateka nicht als mod
[21:26:58] <@ohaz> der ist übelst arrogant
[21:26:55] <@ohaz> ich will majateka nicht als mod
[21:26:58] <@ohaz> der ist übelst arrogant
another example, in which ohaz states that majateka is arrogant and he doesn't want him as mod. Nonetheless, majateka is not the only choice, but let's get more in depth.

- Kimkat: Kimmy is a nice person actually, however, he misinterprets situations due to being inexperienced.
[13:58:01] David: You're unfair moderator.
[13:58:06] Kim: Not really.
[13:58:12] David: He just don't understands DC.
[13:58:22] Kim: He tries to troll.
[13:58:25] Kim: That's what he is doing.
[13:58:29] Kim: He isn't showing good behavior.
[13:58:06] Kim: Not really.
[13:58:12] David: He just don't understands DC.
[13:58:22] Kim: He tries to troll.
[13:58:25] Kim: That's what he is doing.
[13:58:29] Kim: He isn't showing good behavior.
If Yates had to be banned for showing bad behaviour, DC would've done that already.
- Factis: He is "David" on the chat above. In all my experience on US.de (and that should be 4 years now), he is still too immature to do his job correctly.
- 0A: Is the only option we all agree with totally, however, he doesn't really want to care about anything here it seems.
There is missing maturity in the whole US.de for around 2 years now, excessively. You need moderators who fight against that actively. 3 of 6 moderators were not caring about it before. Because it's a hard job.
This seemed to be a random selection instead of an election, which is plainly wrong. Some users are way more suited for these situations, and still, it's just all about who was nice and neat all the time to any person in here. I lost my temper months ago.
Too many moderators are living in the same timezone, this doesn't cover parts of US.de in their night for example. Also, many moderators are studying and have less or no time to watch on US.de entirely.
If there's not dealt with this situation soon enough, US.de will become a messy place, the website is only poised on the brink of failure as incompetent moderation will pull the website into the abyss of websites that have forum moderators that are either too lax, or too punishing/strict and as a result no one will want to go to the forums anymore because not only the forums, but the website in its entirety will be either a complete mess of negligence, or bound by ironclad rules that will scare newcomers away with its inflexible regime of rules.
Unrealsoftware can't only live from its current users, CS2D or File Archive. The forum is an important point on the website, new users are essential.
In the names of: