CS2D training
CS2D training
23 replies i need help with CS2D, i want to play it again, but i think i am bad
can someone give me a training? maybe it sound weird, but it is possible :D.
if i play CS2D tommorow online at 4:00 PM and the one who want train me too, it will work!
PS: please make a server "Robin Training" or "Training" then please.
Thanks all!
my name in CS2D is just "Robin"
you have to join by ip becouse you may not see the surver sometimes....
i would like to make but i won becouse you will have hight ping becouse of the countries
mrc User
Thats ok, may i know your ip?
PS: i am from holland (the Netherlands) my ip-
ok, tommorow at 4:00 PM.
if im not there then, i may have forgot it, but i think i remember
lol how could i make surver in 4 PM if i dont know what's the difference of the two countries in the time
well, nevermind the 4 PM, i am playing CS2D now, can you call your server "Training Robin" skiper? ok?
see you... (i hope ;)) 1.i got school wich you havent to forgot.
2.you will have hight ping and you wont play that good.
3.i dont know if il have time.
all:il try to find any time to create
can it be in saturday? i dont know, well, i will play CS2D saturday very much, so you know that
ok il be online all day perhaps you should join marcio's surver and play there
il be there the most time mrc User
My server is opened all day...
what is the name of your server Marcio?
and do i have to know your ip? (if i dont see you) i think it was cs2d.survergame.com but not sure .
marcio how do you keep he surver opened all day???
is it dedicated? what means dedicated again? (forgot it) wich to bee launched everytime
ty mrc User
The name is: [ 2dBR :: Server ]
The IP is: cs2d.servegame.com
The server is opened every time I'm on PC...
I recommend using bots to train and changing their levels. But if you want to train by playing others go on a server with alot of players or go marcios server it should be listed in net game.