Stranded II
How to change the movie in the menu on picture ?
How to change the movie in the menu on picture ?
8 replies Hi I would like to change the movie who flies from the main menu, picture taken by me.
Sorry for my english
And will add that I do not make edits ! Its not a movie, It's technically a map with a camera zooming around... But I cant remember how to change it. Please help
menu.s2 or something like that, open it in map editor and play around I've added a photo which I changed the menu. s2 and does not work pops up an error access violation, whether it is possible to give a photo instead of this movie?
You need to open map "menu/menu.s2" in game while yo uare in the map editor and set camera. play with scripts and add
info_sprite. I think you just rename image to "menu.s2"
I don't understand, I mean like instead of these views to add my photo from google that does not move as you add? Do you mean the stranded 2 logo? I already helped him by PM. He mean that cut-scene in main menu to change for static image.