LuaJIT caused too many problems and further research is necessary there. I might release separate CS2D binaries with LuaJIT support though.

LuaJIT caused too many problems and further research is necessary there. I might release separate CS2D binaries with LuaJIT support though.
Didn't get the pop up mensage o.o .
edited 1×, last 24.06.15 11:01:09 pm
Edit: This just in, auto update has caught up

At least this is better.

Looks like your brain doesnt understand any jokes.

el Cs2d Es uno de mi juegos favoritos pero porfafor me ayudas con algo?

Lo ago de buelta pero no igual me sige disiendo esto
(bueno no se como poner imagen :v)
porfafor ayudame unreal software

Admin/mod comment

Ah great, now i can't make script which able to interact between local server

I might release separate CS2D binaries with LuaJIT support though.
Okay, i will be waiting for it.