I'm working on a board game inspired by FPS video games with a couple of friends. This is one of the characters from the game. Would you like to see more?
Off Topic FPS-style board gameFPS-style board game
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I'm working on a board game inspired by FPS video games with a couple of friends. This is one of the characters from the game. Would you like to see more?
i cant tell if thats an IRL or CGI model.
Jawohl has written
how did you make this piece? its pretty damn detailed, is it 3d modeled, 3d printed, carved?
i cant tell if thats an IRL or CGI model.
i cant tell if thats an IRL or CGI model.
It's a render of a 3D model. All pieces are based on 3D prints of real 3D-scanned people.
Here's a video if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4vC9pMFDj4
and a website: http://hastalavistagame.com/